Cub Scout Pack 1776

Free Tickets to Indy Grand Prix of Sonoma

The Raceway in Sonoma is pleased to offer all uniformed scouts and scout leaders a free ticket to the GoPro Indy Grand Prix of Sonoma, August 25, 2013!

All Scouts and scout leaders that show up in their Class A uniform will be admitted FREE! Upon arrival you will be issued a complimentary ticket to the Turn 9 Terrace Scout Section.

Specially priced scout tickets have also been made available for scout friends and family. Additional tickets in the scout section can be purchased for just $20.00. (Normally $55.00) . For every scout ticket purchased through dedicated links, Sonoma Raceway will donate $10 to scouting!

See more at


MDSC Family Flight Day

Date: Saturday, August 10, 2013
Time: 10am - 2pm
Location: Martinez Marina Waterfront Park
Cost: $15 for Cub Scout, $5 for sibling who wants to participate. Fees increase after August 2nd. Free for parents.

From Mt Diablo Silverado Council:

Come join us for the 7th Annual Cub Scout Family Flight Day! All Cub Scouts and their families and friends are invited to this fun event, held on August 10th, 10am-2pm, at the Martinez Marina Waterfront Park. There will be kite flying, glider racing, water bottle rockets and many other fun activities for the whole family! Only $15 for a Cub Scout, $5 for each additional sibling that wants to participate. Fees increase after August 2nd. There is no charge for parents. For registration and more info, see registration flyer.

Joe Squeri
[email protected]


Cub Scout Day Camp 2013 – Recap

“The spirit is there in every boy; it has to be discovered and brought to light.”
-Robert Baden-Powell

Pack 1776 Families:

This year the theme at Camp was “Jungle Adventure.” The weather added to the adventure, with cold, rain and tropical heat. All the boys that attended had a good time and earned some Cub Scout belts loops in the process.

Summer Camp ran from June 24 through June 28. Each day started at 8:30 a.m. and ended at 3:30 p.m. On Friday afternoon the Scouts were entertained with skit performances by their fellow campers and dismissed 1:30 p.m.

Each day of camp was packed with activities. By attending and participating the boys were able to earn belt loops and Webelos pins, getting a jump start on the upcoming 2014 Scouting year. The most popular activities were BB gun shooting, archery and hiking. BB gun and archery are activities that can only be completed at a District run event. In addition there was swimming, crafts, sports, first aid training, whittling, and many other activities.

We had eight scouts from Pack 1776 attend this year. They were assisted by Teresa Noble who was at camp every day, as well as Tom Dutton and Praveen Kesani who helped out one day each. Normally the maximum is six scouts per full time volunteer but we were able to add a couple extra thanks to some help from a Walnut Creek Pack.

The organizers did a great job planning the event. There were lots of Junior Helpers at each station. Safety was a priority with a full time nurse on the premises. Each Scout was given a t-shirt and a canteen. Every adult had a t-shirt as well so it was easy to tell if someone did not belong at camp.

Next year we hope to have more Scouts attending. The theme with be “Space Trek.” We want Scouts to attend and will need volunteers to make it happen. “The Cub Scout helps the pack go. The pack helps the Cub Scout grow.”

Pack 1776 Committee

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Pack 1776 Summer Camping – Yosemite

Pack 1776 Families,

Come join us for some summer camping in Yosemite National Park!!

Tuolumne Meadows, at an elevation of 8,600 feet, is the largest sub-alpine meadow in the Sierra Nevada. The Tuolumne Meadows area is graced by the winding Tuolumne River and surrounded by majestic peaks and domes. Spectacular in summer, the higher meadows abound with wildflowers, animal wildlife, and views of the soaring mountain ranges. There will be incredible hiking, fishing (bring your own pole) and ranger activities on top of the usual pack camping activities.

The campground has real bathrooms but no showers and the average high temperature in August is 77° and the average low is 48°.

More info:
Bear and Food storage info: and
Hike info:
Area map:

The cost is minimal - $15 per person for each night staying (i.e. 1 Adult, 1 scout staying two nights = $60) which covers the site, food, and some activities, belt loops and patches. If you decide to stay less than the two nights, please indicate in the comments which night you are staying.

We also encourage all families to bring their own reusable dining sets for meal times to reduce our trash and our Pack footprint.

Payment MUST be received BY July 12 to secure your spots! This is to allow for proper planning and selection of helpers. No excuses please. A standard policy of No Refunds applies. We were only able to get one group site for two nights this year so we are limited to amaximum of 30 campers and parking for 5 vehicles so get your payment in early to reserve your spot.

Please send (or drop off) checks payable to PACK 1776 (see Scout track for my address).

Please feel free to contact me with questions via email.

Scott Spears
Camping Chair
[email protected]

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Scouting Research Panel

Would you like to give feedback regarding new Scouting programs and proposed changes to existing Scouting programs? If you are a youth member 14 years of age or older, a volunteer, or a parent of a Cub Scout or Boy Scout, click on the link below to become a member of a Scouting research panel and receive surveys (no more than three per year) on a variety of topics related to potential Scouting programs:

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Boy Scouts of America: Membership Resolution

Boy Scouts of America
National Statement

For 103 years, the Boy Scouts of America has been a part of the fabric of this nation, with a focus on working together to deliver the nation's foremost youth program of character development and values-based leadership training.

Based on growing input from within the Scouting family, the BSA leadership chose to conduct an additional review of the organization's long-standing membership policy and its impact on Scouting's mission. This review created an outpouring of feedback from the Scouting family and the American public, from both those who agree with the current policy and those who support a change.

Today, following this review, the most comprehensive listening exercise in Scouting's history the approximate 1,400 voting members of the Boy Scouts of America's National Council approved a resolution to remove the restriction denying membership to youth on the basis of sexual orientation alone. The resolution also reinforces that Scouting is a youth program, and any sexual conduct, whether heterosexual or homosexual, by youth of Scouting age is contrary to the virtues of Scouting. A change to the current membership policy for adult leaders was not under consideration; thus, the policy for adults remains in place. The BSA thanks all the national voting members who participated in this process and vote.

This policy change is effective Jan. 1, 2014, allowing the Boy Scouts of America the transition time needed to communicate and implement this policy to its approximately 116,000 Scouting units.

The Boy Scouts of America will not sacrifice its mission, or the youth served by the movement, by allowing the organization to be consumed by a single, divisive, and unresolved societal issue. As the National Executive Committee just completed a lengthy review process, there are no plans for further review on this matter.

While people have different opinions about this policy, we can all agree that kids are better off when they are in Scouting. Going forward, our Scouting family will continue to focus on reaching and serving youth in order to help them grow into good, strong citizens. America's youth need Scouting, and by focusing on the goals that unite us, we can continue to accomplish incredible things for young people and the communities we serve.

Mt. Diablo Silverado Council Statement

The Mt. Diablo Silverado Council's focus remains to deliver the nation's foremost youth program of character development and values-based leadership training. The information our Council provided on this issue helped provide perspective to the process, and we respect the integrity of the national decision-making process. As the Scout Executive of the Mt. Diablo Silverado Council, I believe this update to our policy will allow all kids who sincerely want to be a part of Scouting to experience this life-changing program while remaining true to the long-standing virtues of Scouting. While people have different opinions about this policy, we can all agree that kids are better off when they are in Scouting. We believe good people can disagree and still work together to accomplish great things for youth. Going forward, we will work to stay focused on that which unites us. -John Fenoglio

Membership Policy

The following is the membership standard for youth members of the Boy Scouts of America, effective Jan. 1, 2014:

Youth membership in the Boy Scouts of America is open to all youth who meet the specific membership requirements to join the Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, Sea Scout, and Venturing programs. Membership in any program of the Boy Scouts of America requires the youth member to (a) subscribe to and abide by the values expressed in the Scout Oath and Scout Law, (b) subscribe to and abide by the precepts of the Declaration of Religious Principle (duty to God), and (c) demonstrate behavior that exemplifies the highest level of good conduct and respect for others and is consistent at all times with the values expressed in the Scout Oath and Scout Law. No youth may be denied membership in the Boy Scouts of America on the basis of sexual orientation or preference alone.

Press Conference Video

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Memorial Day Flag Planting

Date: Saturday, May 25, 2013
Time: 830am - 10:30am
Location: San Francisco National Cemetery, 1 Lincoln Blvd, Presidio San Francisco (map)
Attire: Full Class A, footwear suitable for walking in wet grass
Cost: Free
Event Leader: Jeff Kahsen
RSVP: Evite

Pack 1776 families,

Again this year, we will join hundreds of Scouts from all over the Bay Area, and thousands across the country, to pay tribute to those who served. We will be planting American flags at the San Francisco National Cemetery. This is typically one of the most meaningful events of the year, given the importance of the holiday and direct involvement the scouts will have in honoring our nation's fallen heroes. The ceremony will begin promptly at 8:30am and we will likely be completed with the flag planting by 10:30am.

Scouts, friends, and family welcome.  Scouts will receive a patch. Please RSVP via evite to reserve your spot.

Scouts and leaders must be in full Class A Uniforms.

Stella Lei


2013 Art & Wind Festival – Cotton Candy

It’s that time of the year again! We are asking the entire Pack 1776 Cub Scout family to participate in the sales of our Cotton Candy Fundraiser at the 2013 San Ramon Art & Wind Festival.

In an effort to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to participate, please note the following guidelines:

1.) At least one parent is required to be with their participating scout in this fundraiser but the entire family is most welcome to join and have fun.

2.) Each shift must have at least 1 Scout Leader present. There will be no more than 4 scouts present inside the booth during any shift.

3.) Try to remember to maintain a Scout attitude while participating in this fundraiser. Don't forget that you are all perfect 1776 Gentlemen. We should always thank those who we have asked and always wish them a good day, to encourage proper attitude demonstrating good manners and conduct.

Class A uniform.

LOCATION: Central Park Booth #384 - Alcosta Blvd

Sign up here now!


Art & Wind Festival Fund Raiser – Hold The Date

It's that time of the year again! We are asking the entire Pack 1776 Cub Scout family to participate in the sales of our Memorial Day weekend Cotton Candy Fundraiser at the 2013 San Ramon Art & Wind Festival, Sunday, May 26 and Monday, May 27.

Last year, in addition to having a great time, we were able to raise enough money to keep our annual dues at the same low rate in previous years, while earning extra cash to present fun events, like the Raingutter Regatta and the Pinewood Derby.

If we continue with what we've been doing, we may be able to add more events to our list before long. And more events mean more chances at fundraising, which will be a massive bonus. Of course, we're always looking for new ideas, so please let us know if you have any. Alongside this, we will be sure to check out these ideas from places like GoFundMe, (read more here) to see if we can do something that hasn't been done yet, as well as having an event that can be fun for the whole family. But for now, all our attention is focused on the Cotton Candy Fundraiser.

In an effort to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to participate, please note the following guidelines:

1.) At least one parent is required to be with their participating scout in this fundraiser but the entire family is most welcome to join and have fun.

2.) Each shift must have at least 1 Scout Leader present. There will be no more than 4 scouts present inside the booth during any shift.

3.) Try to remember to maintain a Scout attitude while participating in this fundraiser. Don't forget that you are all perfect 1776 Gentlemen. We should always thank those who we have asked and always wish them a good day, to encourage proper attitude demonstrating good manners and conduct. Class A uniform.

LOCATION: Central Park-Booth#TBD Alcosta Blvd

I will send out a signup invite in early May, once I get the details confirmed with the city.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Yours in Scouting,
Den Leader Marcos


Meridian Day Camp – June 24th – 28th UPDATED INFO

To those interested in the Meridian Day Camp:

If you haven't already, please take a look (see Yuji's email here) at this opportunity for the cubs to have a fun-filled experience... which is what I gather from others who have participated in such camps in prior years.

It allows the cubs to experience activities that they otherwise wouldn't get to partake in. As such, the Meridian Day Camp has always been very popular. In fact, it becomes that enjoyable amongst both cubs and volunteers that some of them like to wear a customized rain jacket, from somewhere like Imprint, to stay dry and warm because we experience all weather here. And no one wants to miss out on all this fun, do they?

With that being said, I have been asked a few questions by some and here are the answers based on what I have learnt from the organizers:

Q: How do I get early registration discount?
A: Register online (see Yuji's email here). There is early registration discount available before 26-Apr-2013. You do not have to have all the medical forms and such approved by the organizers by that date to be able to get the discount but you must register online (see Yuji's email here) by that date to get a discount.

Q: What do I do once I have filled out the forms that I am asked to as part of the registration process?
A: Send me -- your day camp coordinator -- the following:
(a) each participating cub scout's forms
(b) your own forms (adult application and medical) if you are volunteering
(c) which days of the week you are "committed" to volunteering.
Follow up via email to me letting me know that you have mailed the above so that I can look for those in mail.

Q: Once I send the forms, does that guarantee that my son has a confirmed seat at the camp?
A: This is a tricky one. This camp is solely supported by "volunteers". Each pack is required to have volunteers (parents) from the pack participating. The required ratio of volunteers to cub scouts is "1 is to 6" at a minimum. If we fail to have enough volunteers, we will be forced to reduce the number of scouts who can participate.

Q: When will I know if my child's seat is secured?
A: As soon as the organizers have given their green signal for our pack's participation. This will require the pack to complete all requirements with respect to getting all the forms (of participating cub scouts and volunteering parents) approved by the organizers and the organizers have determined that the pack has sufficient volunteer representation. So, the sooner we (pack 1776) get our forms and volunteer plan into the hands of the organizers, the better. I -- Sunil Kulkarni -- will be the coordinator collecting your forms (cub scouts and volunteers) and volunteer participation information (which days of the week you will volunteer), putting together a binder and will work with camp organizers to get approvals of this binder. While I am not aware of any deadlines for form submission to the organizers, I would like to put a deadline for our pack of 30-Apr. i.e. please submit your information to me by that date. Please note, I cannot provide confirmation of our participation unless and until the camp organizers have reviewed the binder, approved it and given a green signal for our participation.

Q: Should I have a backup plan in case we (pack 1776) fail to get support for the camp?
A: I would strongly advise for a backup plan in the event that we (i.e. pack 1776) are unable to participate. One primary risk we have is lack of volunteers. If we do not get sufficient number of volunteers for each day of the camp, we will not be allowed to participate. So, please make sure you have a backup plan!!! I know this is tricky as alternate summer camps will fill up fast and understand you would want to know well in advance if you have your spot secured at the cub scout camp. But this is a bit beyond my control and perhaps -- assuming I am not missing some information that the camp organizers have on this -- needs to be looked into in the future by the camp organizers.

Q: If I volunteer, do I have to be at the camp all days during the camp week?
A: No. It is recognized that a parent may not be able to volunteer all days of the camp. But the pack must ensure that they have enough number of volunteers available each day to meet the minimum ratio of volunteers to cub scouts.

Q: Can volunteers rotate out during a given day (say each one providing 2 hours of volunteering on a given day)?
A: NO. This arrangement is not acceptable. It is very disruptive and hard to manage for the camp organizers.

Q: Do I need to fill out forms for myself if I am volunteering?
A: Yes. You have to be BSA registered and an adult application form has to be submitted in addition to medical forms. I think there is a background check as well as some training requirements if I recall correctly. As with applying for anything, it is very important that we perform background check procedures on all of our potential volunteers, so we are able to proceed with the best interests of our cub scouts in mind. But please, don't be afraid about this; it's a standard procedure. Please see the registration site for details (see Yuji's email below). If the scout council already has your registration on file from previous volunteering you did and the information is current, then you may not be required to re-submit your adult application form. Please let me know if you believe the council has your registration on file so that I can work with them to ensure you don't need to fill out the adult application form (although you will still be required to submit your medical forms as I understand).

Hope the above helps.

Please let me know if you have any other questions. I will gather answers from organizers and publish them periodically via an email such as this.

Best Regards,

Sunil Kulkarni
Pack 1776 Day Camp Coordinator

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