August 21: Rocket Day!
Come build and shoot a compressed air rocket!
LAUNCH DATE: Sunday, August 21, 2022
LAUNCH PAD: Coyote Creek School Blacktop (behind the school, to the right, past the basketball courts)
TIME: 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
UNIFORM: Class B for Scouts and Leaders, or comfortable attire for new to scouting.
Bring a refillable water bottle full of water, sunscreen, hat and if desired, folding chair.
VOLUNTEER: Parents, we need your help! [ Volunteer ]
[ RSVP ]
Sno Cones! Crafts! Fun!
Pack 1776 invites you to build your own rocket, launch it and have a blast! Learn about Cub Scouting and all the fun things we do.
You can now sign up online for Cub Scouting and invite friends to join too!
All scouts must:
1. Complete the online Pack 1776 Registration Form
2. Complete the Medical Form Parts A & B
3. Make a copy of the front & back of your scout’s medical insurance card.
4) Registration check written to Pack 1776. Write your Scout's name in the memo line.
- $280 for Tiger, Wolf, Bear or Webelos scouts (First through Fifth grades in 2022-2023). Prices are even lower if you sign up to volunteer as a leader or chairperson. We only accept Fifth graders if they have completed and earned the Webelos I rank.
- $200 per new Lion scouts (those who will be in Kindergarten in 2022-2023).
- NOTE NEW SCOUTS: There was a recent change to the BSA website that requires new scouts to pay the national fees up front. Previously the pack paid this on behalf of the new scout from the pack registration fee. Given this change, we can no longer do this. As such, pay the national fees online using your credit card and then deduct that amount from the $280 (or if a new Lion, $200) pack registration fee when preparing your check.
5) A separate $200 volunteer deposit check per family, post-dated to 4/1/2023. Write your Scout's name in the memo line. We will hold onto your check and shred it after you have completed 10 service hours.
Mail or Drop off your completed paperwork to the Scout Box inside the Coyote Creek School Office.
Family Scouting: Girls Welcome!
Our Pack is open to boys and girls. By welcoming girls into the program, even more youth will have access to the character development and values-based leadership that Scouting promises.
Lions: Kindergarten age youth; Come try it out!
We are celebrating five years of participation in the national Lion program! As a Lion, your kindergartner will make friends, laugh loud, gain confidence, discover nature, and most of all…have fun. A kindergarten-age boy or girl and his or her adult partner join and attend meetings and activities together. Recognizing how Lions are integral to the success of our program and to introduce them to the world of Cub Scouting, the Pack has discounted the normal registration fee to $200 and waived the volunteer deposit.
Click here for more information or to register.
Pack 1776's annual membership fee includes the cost to register with the Boys Scouts of America, the Council Program Fee, a one year subscription to Scout's Life magazine, a Pack 1776 Class B uniform t-shirt, award belt loops, pins and patches and expenses in events like Halloween Party, Pinewood Derby, campouts, etc.