Cub Scout Pack 1776

January Hike – Briones Regional Park

Date: Sunday, January 19, 2013
Time: 9am (Meet at 8:50am for Flag ceremony and Scout promise)
Location: Briones Regional Park
Attire: Class B
Award: Highlander patch and the Briones rocker patch
Fees: $3 per vehicle (when kiosk is attended)
Meeting Point: Bear Creek Staging Area
Contact: Hiking Chairs Ajay Hampapur & Teresa Noble

How to get there
Bear Creek Staging Area: From Highway 24, take the Happy Valley Road exit and go north. Turn right at Bear Creek Road, take the 1st right onto Briones Valley Rd (37.925776, -122.162733).

Make an immediate left after the kiosk and park in the lower lot.

The Briones Regional Park Hike is at least three miles with some moderate uphill in the beginning and an easy down hill on the last half. There is a nice picnic area at the half point with portable bathrooms and tables for the boys to take a break. The hike will start at the Bear Creek Staging Area. We will have the flag ceremony and scout promise at 8:50am and the hike will start at 9:00am.

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Pinewood Derby – Tip #3

Dear Pack 1776,

Here is Pinewood Derby Tip #3 and a link to a fun article from the Columbus Dispatch.

Pinewood Derby - Tip #3

John Termotto


Pinewood Derby – Tip #2

Dear Pack 1776,

Here is Pinewood Derby Tip #2.

Pinewood Derby - Tip #2

John Termotto


Pinewood Derby – Tip #1

Pack 1776,

Here is the first of several Pinewood Derby (PWD) tips that will follow over the next week. The PWD Committee looks forward to you having a great time at the event this year!

Pinewood Derby - Tip #1

John Termotto


Pinewood Derby Kits and Video

For those of you who missed the December Pack meeting, we passed out Pinewood Derby Kits to all the scouts at the meeting. If you would like a kit for your Scout (free) or Sibling ($5/kit), send me an email & we'll arrange for your scout to get a PWD kit.

Also, here is the video that was shown at the meeting:

More info to come !

John Termotto


Bedtime with the Beasts

Date/Time: 7pm March 8th (Saturday) - 10am March 9th (Sunday)
Location: Oakland Zoo
Cost: $35 per scout, $65 each per adult or sibling
RSVP: Reply to evite by January 18th
Payment: Checks payable to Pack 1776 by January 25th
Required Forms: Liability Release for EACH adult and EACH child participant, and
BSA Activity Consent Form for each scout
Patches: Wildlife Conservation Belt Loop
Must read: Behavior Expectations
What to Bring: Packing List
Where to Meet: Zimmer Auditorium
More Questions ?: FAQs

Get ready for a night full of adventure and fun! The “Bedtime with the Beasts” trip to the Oakland Zoo is happening on Saturday, March 8th!

The cost is $65 per person. Cub scouts will be partially subsidized. Immediate family members and siblings (must be 6 years or older) are invited. Please indicate how many cub scouts so we can determine our subsidy.

Please respond by January 18th. Once the subsidy is calculated, payment will be due by January 25th. Payments are non refundable. An increase in participant count after January 29th is subject to availability and payment is due at the time of request.

Sleepover includes:

  • An overnight stay in the auditorium
  • Nighttime Zoo tour (Saturday 8:30pm-9:00pm)
  • Morning Rainforest tour (Sunday 8:15am-9:00am)
  • Evening snack and continental breakfast (Sunday 7am-8am) at the Island Cafe
  • Overnight parking
  • Next day general admission

Important Information

  • Drivers should all park at the lower entrance lots (do not go up the hill !)
  • The program begins promptly at 7 pm. Departure at 10 am the following day.
  • It's very important for everyone to arrive a few minutes early - gates will be locked after group arrival.
  • Zoo gates are locked until 7 am - no early departures allowed except for medical or family emergency.
  • For the safety of the animals, the following are prohibited: straws, balloons, pets, balls, frisbees, styrofaom, personal electronic devices, (radios, personal stereos, video games)
  • The Auditorium floor is concrete - so sleeping pads or air mattresses are encouraged.
  • Dinner is not included.  Be sure to eat before arriving (concession stands in the zoo will be closed during our stay)
  • You can bring in your own food. The Island Cafe opens on Sunday for the public from 10am to 4pm.
  • Even though we'll be sleeping indoors, we'll be spending plenty of time outdoors, rain or cold, so wear weather appropriate clothing and close-toed shoes.
  • Parking is included; bring your ticket with you to check-in for validation.
  • The Zoo requires a signed Liability Release form for EACH adult and EACH child attending the Sleepover.

Click here for more information.


December Hike – Sycamore Grove

Date: Sunday, Dec 15, 2013
Time: 9 am
Location: Sycamore Grove Park (map), Livermore
Meeting Point: Whetmore Road Entrance Parking lot (8:30 am)
Attire: Class B
Awards: Trail Trekkers Cub Scout Patch/Progressive Hike Award
Parking Fee: $5 per vehicle
Must read: Hike info
Contact: Hiking Chairs Ajay Hampapur & Teresa Noble

What to bring:

  • binoculars, camera
  • layers of clothing – this hike can be cold and windy
  • water and snacks (granola bars, trail mix, fruits)


Every inch of this park is alive with life - in the air, in the grass, even in puddles. Begin your search for signs of wildlife at the Wetmore Road entrance. Follow the paved path until you come to the first sign designating the Nature Area. Turn left onto the broad trail that crosses the usually dry Arroyo. Follow this nature trail through the sycamore grove until you reach the park boundary. While you are here, be sure to pause often and listen for the sounds of reptiles and rodents in the grass. If you are lucky and very patient you might even see an animal. Near the wet areas be sure to look for great blue herons. Don't forget to look up!

About The Park

The park is home to a variety of wildlife. Along the Arroyo Del Valle you might see frogs, pond turtles, dragonflies, ducks or even muskrats. In addition to this riparian area there are grassland and oak woodland habitats. Deer, ground squirrels, butterflies, lizards and birds such as red-tail hawks, white-tail kites, scrub jays, magpies and meadowlarks are just few of the animals you might spot in these areas.

Sycamore Grove Trail Map

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November Hike – Coyote Hills

Date/Time: Sunday, Nov 17, 2013, 9:00am
Location: Coyote Hills Regional Park
Distance: 4 miles round trip
Time: Allow 2-3 hours
Grade: A few short but quite steep grades
Attire: Class B uniform
Award: Trail Trekkers patch
Parking & Fees: Parking at the Visitor Center. $5 parking fee.
Must read: Hike info
Meeting Point: Coyote Hills Visitor Center
Contact: Hiking Chairs Ajay Hampapur & Teresa Noble


  • binoculars, camera
  • water and snacks: granola bars, trail mix, fruits
  • layers of clothing - this hike can be cold and windy


Salt Flats, water fowl and wind gliders if we are lucky. No trip to Coyote Hills is complete without taking a little time to explore the Visitor Center. Excellent exhibits in the Visitor Center depict the Ohlone Indian culture and the natural history of the Coyote Hills area. Important Note: We meet approximately half an hour prior to the hike at specific hiking staging areas. As a courtesy to all hikers, we leave promptly at the scheduled times!
Bring the entire family !

About The Park

Coyote Hills Regional Park was dedicated to public use in 1967. Comprised of nearly 978 acres of marshland and rolling grassland covered hills, this busy park is located along the eastern shore of San Francisco Bay, northwest of the cities of Fremont and Newark. The most popular visitor activities by far are bicycling, walking, bird watching, jogging, nature exploration, and picnicking. Well used every season of the year, spring, summer, and fall tend to be the most popular. But the park's winter beauty is wonderful to behold.


The East Bay area's original inhabitants were the ancestors of the Ohlone Indians, hunters and gatherers whose skills enabled them to live well off the land's natural bounty. In those days, tule elk roamed the land, condors soared overhead, and sea otters and fish were abundant in the Bay. At Coyote Hills Regional Park, some of this rich wetland is preserved, along with 2,000-year old Tuibun Ohlone Indian shellmound sites with fascinating archaeological resources.

The park's rich and varied history also includes Mission and settler ranching and farming activities, salt production, a duck hunting club, a dairy, rock quarrying, a military NIKE missile site, and a biosonar research facility. Now a Regional Park, this area is preserved for recreation, and educational and nature experiences for all to enjoy.

To Reach The Park

Coyote Hills Regional Park is located at 8000 Patterson Ranch Road, Fremont, CA 94555. The closest BART station is the Union City BART station. The park's main entrance is at the west end of Patterson Ranch Road/Commerce Drive in Fremont. From I-880, take Highway 84 west, exit at Paseo Padre Parkway, turn right, and drive north about one mile. Turn left on Patterson Ranch Road. This is the park's entrance road and will take you to the picnic areas and visitor center. Parking fees may apply.

Public transit

Transit and Trails

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Scouting for Food Map

Pack 1776,

This year's Scouting for Food is scheduled for Nov 9 (hanger distribution) and Nov 16 (collection).

For those new to scouting: this is a wonderful opportunity for our scouts to participate in a community service project. The food that we collect goes to the Contra Costa Food Bank from where it is distributed to those in need. Den leaders are responsible for ensuring their den's participation in this event.

Here's the area assignment for each den:

View Scouting for Food 2013 in a larger map

General Reminders:

  • Wear Class A Scout uniform
  • Drivers should have all scouts in view at all times
  • Scouts are NOT to enter a donor's residence
  • Bring a friend - a great way to introduce what Scouting is about

Hanger Distribution - Nov 9

  • You may distribute door hangers on a different day than Nov 9
  • Door hangers should be placed on the door or partially under the door mat (ensure it's visible and won't blow away)
  • Do not put hangers in mailboxes

Food Pickup - Nov 16

  • Food must be picked up from the same area you distributed door hangers
  • Food pickup is to begin no earlier than 9:00 am
  • Food must be dropped off in front of Coyote Creek MPR between 9:30 am and 11:30 am

All participating scouts receive a patch.



First Hike of the Year and Outdoor Pack Meeting

Date/Time: Saturday, October 12, 2-6pm
Location: Lake Chabot Regional Park, Elderberry picnic area (lake chabot map) (directions)
Cost: $5 parking, or park outside the park for free
Attire: Class A
Bring: Personal canteen or water bottle and jacket.

Hello Pack 1776 Families!

Just a quick reminder and invitation to our Outdoor Pack Meeting, Saturday Oct 12, from 2:00 to 6:00 at Lake Chabot Regional Park in Castro Valley. We are at the Elderberry picnic area (entrance to the picnic area is towards the end of the parking lot). See detail map here.

Like our indoor MPR pack meetings, all cubs and leaders should wear their snappy Class A uniforms, and get ready for an event full of fun, crafts and entertainment.

Your hiking chairs Ajay and Teresa would like our cubs to build stamina, enjoy, and learn during the 8 hikes they have planned this year.  To do so, they would like our cubs, their siblings, and family to participate in as many hikes as possible.   Come join us this Saturday on our first hike !

Here's what we have in store:

2:00-2:45 Outdoor Craft
The boys will make Hiking sticks to use for today and throughout the year.
2:45-4:00 Pack Hike
Hike in the wilds of Castro Valley. Hikers can sing along to the songs in this Scout Song Book
4:00-4:15 Skit Practice with Dens
"What's my line again?" Rehearsal makes for a great performance! Everyone does a skit, even the den leaders.
4:15-5:15 Pack Meeting
Awards, and a special presentation of the Bobcat Badges to our new cubs as we welcome them to Pack 1776.
5:15 S'mores
When you're outdoors, they go great with the great outdoors.

If you're a little late, don't worry. Even if you miss the hike, we'll still have a fun pack event.

Other key notes of information:

Lake Chabot Regional Park
17500 Lake Chabot Road
Elderberry Picnic Site
Castro Valley
CA, 94546

To Reach The Park
From San Ramon, I-680 South to connect on I-580 westbound, take the Strobridge Avenue exit. Turn right on Strobridge, right on Castro Valley Boulevard (take the left lane as soon as possible, and left on Lake Chabot Road. The Lake Chabot Marina is about two miles ahead on the right. (map) From I-580 in San Leandro, exit at Fairmont Drive and go east (uphill). The marina entrance will be to the left at the bottom of the hill.

$5 parking fee but there are free parking outside the park, depending on the time of the day, there should be plenty.
Water will be provided otherwise bring your own picnic and relax with the family.

We are encouraging people to bring personal canteen or water bottle and we'll have water station for refill.
Bring a jacket just in case.

See you there !