Cub Scout Pack 1776

Hoot Owl Hikes

Date/Time #1: Saturday, March 21st, 6:45 pm to 8:45 pm - Full
Date/Time #2: Saturday, March 28st, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm - Full
Evite #1: CLOSED
Evite #2: CLOSED
Location: Sycamore Grove Park in Livermore
Cost: $10 per person.
Attire: Class B uniform
Award: Participating scout will receive a Hoot Owl patch, and a Trail Trekkers patch if he doesn't have one already.
Meeting Location: To be determined (see directions to the 2 possible locations below)
Note: Scout only, no siblings. One parent per family.
Must read: Hoot Owl Guidelines, DirectionsHike Detail
Contact: Hiking Chair Siddharth Bhatia

Hello Pack,

This is a special hike for a few reasons: It is a night hike. It is a ranger led hike. It is a fee based hike. It is limited to 17 people so please note the following limitations: Scouts only - No siblings. One parent must accompany his/her scout(s).

Please reply quickly to the Evites as spots are limited. Your RSVP doesn't guarantee a spot until we receive your payment.

The hike lasts about two hours and begins with a ranger-led introduction to nocturnal animals and adaptations of nighttime critters, followed by an easy hike of one to one and a half miles.

Everyone is expected to use their night vision during the program, so please leave your flashlights at home.

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Friends of Scouting (FOS) Campaign

Dear Cub Scout Parent,

We hope that you and your family will join us at our Blue & Gold Banquet scheduled for February 20th at 5:45pm at the Coyote Creek MPR. We are very proud of all the boys' achievements and extremely appreciative of all the parental involvement.

During the banquet, a District representative will be showing a video and making a brief presentation of the annual Friends of Scouting (FOS) campaign and then asking for your pledges to support our Pack’s FOS effort. The FOS program helps underwrite the cost of Scouting for our district, the Mt. Diablo Silverado Council. We thought it might be beneficial to send out this letter in advance for your information, so you and your spouse can discuss the tax deductible amount your family is considering donating.

Each year, our Scout parents are asked to support some of the hidden costs of Scouting. The Mt. Diablo Silverado Council, which serves around 17,000 youths, provides numerous benefits to all of our boys and adult volunteers. A few of these benefits include subsidized Cub Day Camp and Cub Family Camps, maintaining facilities such as Camp Herms and Wolfeboro, as well as youth and leadership training.

FOS provides these benefits to our Scouts throughout the bay area. The Scouting organization annually spends about $250 per boy while the registration fee is only $24. The Council hopes that each family will give enough to offset the spending cost for each boy, but if your family cannot contribute to this extent, please know that any amount is welcome.

Participation by every family, at any level, is the goal.

If you believe that the Scouting program has had a positive impact on your family, we urge you to join us in this effort to keep the Scout program a dynamic experience for the youth in our area.

Pack 1776 Committee


Blue and Gold 2015

Date: Friday, February 20th
Time: 5:45 pm - 8:30 pm
Location: Coyote Creek MPR
Cost: None
RSVP: Evite

Dear Pack 1776 Scouts and Families,

We invite you to the Blue & Gold Banquet where we will celebrate the 105th birthday of Scouting and send off our twelve Webelos II's to Boy Scouts! We will enjoy great food and fun entertainment by Astro Wizard!

Admission is free to all scouts and their families but please RSVP by February 13th with the number of people attending and any vegetarian preference.

5:45 Welcome! Door Opens
6:00 Opening Flag Ceremony (Webelos II)
6:05 Greeting & Commence Dinner
6:20 Friends of Scouting
6:30 Recognition
6:40 Arrow of Light Bridging Ceremony
7:00 Closing Flag Ceremony (Webelos I)
7:05 Entertainment by Astro Wizard
8:30 Clean Up

See you at the big party!

Pack 1776 Blue and Gold Committee


January Hike – Las Trampas Regional Wilderness

Date: Saturday, January 10, 2015
Time: 11:00 am
Location: Las Trampas Regional Wilderness
Meeting Point: Parking lot at the end of Bollinger Canyon Road
Attire: Class B
Awards: Highlander patch and/or the Las Trampas Rocker patch
Fees: None
RSVP: Evite
Contact: Hiking Chair - Siddharth Bhatia

From Highway 680: Take the Crow Canyon Road exit. Drive west on Crow Canyon for about 1 mile, then turn right (north) onto Bollinger Canyon Road. Continue about 4.5 miles to the trailhead at the end of the road.  Alternatively, drive west on Bollinger till it ends at the park. About 10 miles from school on Bollinger Canyon Road.

Meet at the parking lot at the end of the road inside the park.

Bollinger Creek Loop trail. A very nice nearly flat 1.2 Mile trail. Should take less than 1 hr to complete. Easy hike for our younger scouts a nice hike to start off the new year in scouting. Since this is a short hike we can start later when it is slightly warmer.

What to bring:

  • Binoculars, camera
  • layers of clothing – this hike can be cold and windy
  • Plenty of water and snacks

Las Trampas (Spanish for the traps) has two distinct areas, each with its own personality. Rocky Ridge, on the west side of the valley, is known for views in all directions, unusual rocks and green rolling hills lightly forested with California bays, oaks and maples. The wildflower display on the hills just off the ridgeline is an east bay favorite. The Las Trampas Ridge, to the east, is quite different, featuring a plant community dominated by chamise with other chaparral plants such as manzanitas and coyote brush.

Cancellation Policy
Cancelled if rain is forecast for the day of the hike. Look for an email from Sid on Friday evening before the hike.

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Pinewood Derby Kits and Presentation

For those of you who missed the December Pack meeting, we passed out Pinewood Derby Kits to all the scouts at the meeting. If you would like a kit for your Scout (free) or Sibling ($5/kit), please contact Surat before January 12, 2015.

Here is the presentation shown at the meeting:

There are many resources available online. Boy's Life magazine is one of them:

Have Fun !


December Hike – Sycamore Grove

Date: Saturday, Dec 13, 2014
Time: 9 am
Location: Sycamore Grove Park (map), Livermore
Meeting Point: Wetmore Road Entrance Parking lot
Attire: Class A or B (dress in layers)
Awards: Trail Trekkers Cub Scout Patch/Progressive Hike Award
Parking Fee: $5 per vehicle
Hike Info: Hike info
RSVP: Evite
Contact: Hiking Chair Teresa Noble

What to bring:

  • binoculars, camera
  • layers of clothing – this hike can be cold and windy
  • Plenty of water and snacks


Every inch of this park is alive with life - in the air, in the grass, even in puddles. Begin your search for signs of wildlife at the Wetmore Road entrance. Follow the paved path until you come to the first sign designating the Nature Area. Turn left onto the broad trail that crosses the usually dry Arroyo. Follow this nature trail through the sycamore grove until you reach the park boundary. While you are here, be sure to pause often and listen for the sounds of reptiles and rodents in the grass. If you are lucky and very patient you might even see an animal. Near the wet areas be sure to look for great blue herons. Don't forget to look up!

About The Park

The park is home to a variety of wildlife. Along the Arroyo Del Valle you might see frogs, pond turtles, dragonflies, ducks or even muskrats. In addition to this riparian area there are grassland and oak woodland habitats. Deer, ground squirrels, butterflies, lizards and birds such as red-tail hawks, white-tail kites, scrub jays, magpies and meadowlarks are just few of the animals you might spot in these areas.

Sycamore Grove Trail Map

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Scouting for Food 2014

Dear Pack,

This year's Scouting for Food is scheduled for the weekend of Nov 8 (hanger distribution) and Nov 15 (collection).

For those new to scouting: this is a wonderful opportunity for our scouts to participate in a community service project. The food that we collect goes to the Contra Costa Food Bank from where it is distributed to those in need. Den leaders are responsible for ensuring their den's participation in this event.

Here's the area assignment for each den:

General Reminders:

  • Wear Class A Scout uniform
  • Drivers should have all scouts in view at all times
  • Scouts are NOT to enter a donor's residence
  • Bring a friend - a great way to introduce what Scouting is about

Hanger Distribution - Nov 8

  • You may distribute door hangers on a different day than Nov 8
  • Door hangers should be placed on the door or partially under the door mat (ensure it's visible and won't blow away)
  • Do not put hangers in mailboxes

Food Pickup - Nov 15

  • Food must be picked up from the same area you distributed door hangers
  • Food pickup is to begin no earlier than 9:00 am
  • Food must be dropped off in front of Coyote Creek MPR between 10 am and noon

Ideas to help us collect more food on the 15th!

  • Knock on every door that received a door hanger and did not leave a donation. Maybe they forgot to put out their food or would give if asked.
  • Tell your family and friends if they didn't get a door hanger they can still help by dropping off their food at the MPR on Nov 15th

All participating scouts receive a patch.


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November Hike – Redwood Creek

Date: Sunday, November 16, 2014
Time: 9:00am
Location: Redwood Creek, East Ridge and Stream Trails, Redwood Regional Park, Oakland
Meeting Point: Canyon Meadow Staging Area
Distance: 5 miles
Attire: Class A or B
Awards: Trail Trekkers Cub Scout Patch/Progressive Hike Award
RSVP: Evite
Parking Fee: $5
Contact: Hiking Chair Teresa

Our Next hike will take place in the beautiful Redwood Regional Park in Oakland. This will be a five mile hike that will reward its hikers with great views of the San Leandro Reservoir and the surrounding hills.

Due to the distance of the hike I would recommend all hikers come prepared with plenty of snacks, water and a lunch to enjoy during our break. We will meet at the Canyon Meadow Staging Area and head to the Canyon View Trail. We will then go along the East Ridge until we reach the Skyline Gate. At this time we will have a break and can refill our water bottles or use the restrooms. We will head down the Stream Trail to Mill Site or Fern Hut where we can stop for lunch. If we are lucky the stream will be full and get to see a few of the cascades.

We will meet at 9:00AM for a few announcements and our Flag Ceremony. Boys can wear their Class B t-shirts or Class A uniforms Come prepared for adventure and fun.

Hiking Chair Teresa

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2014 Scout-O Championship-Registration is Closed

Date/Time: Sunday, October 26
Location: Briones Regional Park, West entrance off Bear Creek Road (map)
Deadline: Friday, October 10 at 8 p.m.
Cost: $7 per participant (shadowing adults do not need to pay).
Checks made to Pack 1776 due to Teresa or William Noble by Saturday, October 11 at 8 p.m.
Attire: Class B T-shirt, strong trail shoes, long pants (Briones has stickers!)
Bring: A compass, a watch, a pen or pencil. Lunch and water. Sunscreen or rain gear.
Award: BAOC Orienteering patch, a progressive course patch, and more.
Details: Scout-O 2014
Signup: Evite - Please include course and partner(s)

The Bay Area Orienteering Club is pleased to announce the 22nd Annual Bay Area Scout Orienteering Championship, a cross country map and compass adventure designed to test the map reading ability, compass skills and woodsman savvy of any scout regardless of experience.

Cub Scouts of all ages are welcome.  No prior experience needed. Instruction will be offered prior to the event so that all Scouts, regardless of prior experience, will be able to take part in the actual competition.  There will be courses of four distinct levels of difficulty, so that no Scout should encounter a challenge beyond his capabilities.

There will not be extra compasses to borrow at the event. Please get a basic orienteering compass and avoid these: iPhone, wristwatch, engineering, surveying, Happy Meal, tritium.

Directions: Take route 24 West from 680 or East from 80. Exit at Orinda heading North on Camino Pablo. After about 2 miles, turn right on Bear Creek Road. After about 3.5 miles, the park entrance will be on your right (don’t be fooled by the parking area on the left – that’s not it), and is well sign-posted. Parking fee of $5. Please carpool if possible.


2014 Popcorn Sales – Danville Draeger’s location moved to San Ramon Walmart

Popcorn Sales will continue at the following stores:

Please sign up on SignUpGenius if you have not signed up for this exciting event! Remember, sales earned at the stores, along with your individual sales to friends, neighbors, relatives, and parents' co-workers, all count toward your Trails End Prizes !

Parents/shift leaders who want to accept credit card payment, please email our Pack Treasurer Silvia Yeh with your name, email, den #, and your Scout's name. Please also download the free PayAnywhere app to your smart phone:

Lastly, be sure to read these instructions.

With the Take Order form, you can start selling today. Please view the training video below to see how easy it is to go out there and get people to support cub scouting!

Also, click here to learn how to sell online!

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