Cub Scout Pack 1776

October Pack Meeting and Fall Camping

Date: Saturday, October 15th – Sunday, October 16th, 2016
Location: Garin Regional Park, 1320 Garin Avenue, Hayward
What to Bring: Packing Check List
Signup: Pack Form
Contact: Hartwell Lin

Our October Pack Meeting will be at the Arroyo Flats Campground in Garin Regional Park. Scouts can sign up to camp overnight there after the Pack meeting. The campground has a barbecue, drinking fountain, a fire ring, and chemical toilets (we are only staying one night).

The campsite has capacity for 75 campers.  Signup is open now but please sign up only if you can absolutely commit to attend. Please wait if you're uncertain of your availability so everyone has a fair chance to participate.

We only have a limited number of evening parking passes so we highly recommend carpooling. There are only 2 parking spots at the campground which is 1/4 mile from the main parking lot. We will need volunteers to help with logistics to shuttle equipment and young scouts to the campsite. There are also other volunteering opportunities for the pack meeting, click here to sign up.

There is a trail for a group hike and a small stocked fishing pond nearby called Jordan Pond. Bring your fishing poles!

Campers need to bring your own mess kits (plates, utensils, cups), and prepare your own foil dinners at home to cook in our fire pits for dinner the evening of the 15th.  The pack will provide a simple breakfast for the morning of the 16th.

For the entire Pack:
1:00-2:00pm Pack Meeting
2:00-3:30pm Group Hike
3:30-4:00pm Group Activities

For campers:
4:00-5:30pm Camp set-up
5:30-7:00pm Meal Prep and Dinner
7:00-9:00pm Campfire activities/Den skits

7:00am Breakfast
8:00am Camp breakdown
9:00am Fishing (optional)

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2016 Scout-O Championship Registration is Closed

Date/Time: Sunday, October 9th
Location: Tilden Regional Park, Lake Anza parking lot (37.896618,-122.252316) (map) No parking fee, Please carpool if possible.
Deadline: Friday, September 16 at 3 p.m.
Cost: $7 per participant (shadowing adults do not need to pay).
Checks made to Pack 1776 dropped off at Pack Mailbox
Attire: Class B T-shirt, strong trail shoes, long pants (Tilden has stickers!)
Bring: A compass, a watch, a pen or pencil. Lunch and water. Sunscreen or rain gear.
Award: BAOC Orienteering patch, a progressive course patch
Details: Scout-O 2016

The Bay Area Orienteering Club is pleased to announce the 24th Annual Bay Area Scout Orienteering Championship, a cross country map and compass adventure designed to test the map reading ability, compass skills and woodsman savvy of any scout regardless of experience.

Cub Scouts of all ages are welcome.  No prior experience needed. Instruction will be offered prior to the event so that all Scouts, regardless of prior experience, will be able to take part in the actual competition.  There will be courses of four distinct levels of difficulty, so no scout should encounter a challenge beyond his capabilities.

There will not be extra compasses to borrow at the event. Please get a basic orienteering compass and avoid these: iPhone, wristwatch, engineering, surveying, Happy Meal, tritium.

- Most scouts will run in pairs with an adult trailing behind (Course 1). Those who are experienced and confident can choose Course 2 and run in pairs without an trailing adult.
- Instruction will begin at 9:00 AM. The pre-assigned start time of each individual team will be determined by the entry date of our pack. In general, start times will begin at soon after 10:00 AM and go until about noon.
- Every participating scout will earn a patch.
- We need to pre-register with names and how teams will be paired up.


August Hike Las Trampas

Date: Saturday, August 27th, 2016
Time: 4:00 pm
Location: Las Trampas Regional Wilderness
Meeting Point: Parking lot at the end of Bollinger Canyon Road
Attire: Class B or casual clothing
Awards: Highlander patch and/or the Las Trampas Rocker patch
Fees: None
RSVP: Evite
Contact: Hiking Chair - Siddharth Bhatia

From Highway 680: Take the Crow Canyon Road exit. Drive west on Crow Canyon for about 1 mile, then turn right (north) onto Bollinger Canyon Road. Continue about 4.5 miles to the trailhead at the end of the road.  Alternatively, drive west on Bollinger till it ends at the park. About 10 miles from school on Bollinger Canyon Road.

Meet at the parking lot at the end of the road inside the park.

Bollinger Creek Loop trail. A very nice nearly flat 1.2 Mile trail. Should take less than 1 hr to complete. Easy hike for our younger scouts a nice hike to start off this scouting year. Since this is a short hike we can start later when it is slightly coiler.

What to bring:

  • Binoculars, camera
  • Plenty of water and snacks

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We need your help on various upcoming events - click here to sign up and here to log your hours !

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September Pack Meeting

Date: Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Time: 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Location: MPR
Attire: Full Class A uniform

Discover how San Ramon police officers and their trusted canines work together to apprehend criminals, uncover illegal drugs, and locate evidence. They will be onsite to do demonstrations and answer questions. Please note the earlier 6:30 PM meeting time and be on time!


This will be the last meeting for parents to submit their Cub Scout application form and payment. Dens will be formed and finalized the following day. Class A uniform.

We will have a donation box if you have uniforms, slides, neckerchiefs, caps, or handbooks for new families.


2016 Popcorn Show and Sell

Does your scout need to practice his public speaking, good manners, or accepting rejections gracefully? Selling popcorn is a great way to practice all these skills! Our Popcorn Sale will be at Draeger's (4100 Blackhawk Plaza Cir, Danville) again this year for 3 consecutive weekends, starting on September 10th. On that first weekend (September 10th and 11th), we will also be at a brand new location - Peet's (11000 Bollinger Canyon Rd Ste. A, San Ramon) !

Please sign up on SignUpGenius!  Sales earned at the store, along with your individual sales to friends and neighbors, all count toward your scout's Trails End Prizes!

Parents and shift leaders who want to accept credit card payment, please email our Pack Treasurer Silvia Yeh with your name, email, den number, and your Scout's name. Please also download the free PayAnywhere app to your smart phone:

Lastly, be sure to read these instructions.  If you’re the first or last shift, you must pick up or return the popcorn and cash box at Suma’s home. Wear Class A uniform!

Please view the training video below to see how easy it is to go out there and get people to support cub scouting!

Also, click here to learn how to sell online!

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Welcome Back Kick Off

downloadPack 1776 families and friends,

Join us at our annual Welcome Back Kickoff on Saturday, August 20th 2-4pm at the Coyote Creek Blacktop.

We encourage you to invite friends interested in joining our Pack. Scouts who are successful in getting a friend to join us will earn the recruiter patch.

There will be snacks for everyone as well as games such as building and launching compressed air rockets, and launching pre-made water rockets.  See this post for tips on making your water rockets.

Parents will have the opportunity to visit our registration tables to complete your registration process.

There will be a donation bin for those who want to pass on their uniform items to new families.

For those unable to attend, please bring completed forms and payment to the first Pack Meeting on September 21st.

Looking forward to another great year of scouting !

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Attention Webelos den leaders and parents,

Online registration for the October 1-2 or November 5-6 Webeloree will open on August 15th. This popular overnight camping event for 4th & 5th graders and their parent can fill up in less than a week, so sign up early !

Enjoy beautiful Camp Herms and work on two required Adventures (First Responder and Camper) and an Elective (Adventure in Science).  More info on the district website.

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Design Your Own Class B

Want to help decide the Class B shirt design for next year?  Click here and ask your scout to pick his favorite

  • design (SP#)
  • shirt color, and
  • ink color

Submit the above combination to Grace. The Pack Committee will review all submissions and decide in August - your scout’s design may be chosen! Submissions due by July 30.

Great News ! Your scout will be getting a new type of dri-fit (wicking) shirt which is more comfortable and breathable. It even has antimicrobial treatment ! These shirts, however, have a more limited set of color selections. Note that if you went in design mode and click the select garment color button, the many colors in that menu are not all available for the wicking shirt. Only the colors below are. So submit only from the colors listed below as your shirt color (be mindful of ink color & shirt color interaction).

Black Cardinal Carolina Blue Charcoal Gold Irish Green Navy Orange Purple Red Royal Safety Green
Black | Cardinal | Carolina Blue | Charcoal | Gold | Irish Green | Navy | Orange | Purple | Red | Royal | Safety Green

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Meridian Matters Summer 2016

Meridian Matters is a monthly newsletter published by the Meridian District of Mount Diablo Silverado Council. The Summer issue is now available.

Learn about Webeloree dates in the Fall, opportunities to Support the District, the Lions program, and other district news !