Cub Scout Pack 1776

Living Arroyos Native Grass & Wildflower Planting Conservation Project

February 29, 2020

Date: Saturday, February 29, 2020
Time: 8:45-11:30 am
Location: 11689 Bluebell Dr, Livermore, CA 94551
Attire: Class B
Space Limit: Space is limited to 25 scouts and a parent (50 people max) with priority to Webelos as they are working on their Into the Wood badge.
RSVP:  sign up here.

Join us in planting wildflowers and native grasses and mulch mats with the Living Arroyos conservation group.   Living Arroyos is a multi-agency partnership to enhance and maintain the urban streams and streamside habitats of the Livermore-Amador valley, while continuing to protect drinking water supplies and prevent flooding.

The address for the project is 1689 Bluebell Drive, where they be setting up in the grass just to the north of the house. The event is from 9 am-11:30 pm. They will have a greeter table set up with a canopy.

Wear sturdy shoes and bring a reusable water bottle. The Living Arroyos will provide light snacks and water. The event will be postponed if there is heavy rain in the forecast.   

Space is limited to 25 scouts and a parent (50 people max) with priority to Webelos as they are working on their In to the Wood badge.

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Pinewood Derby Weekend!

January 11-12, 2020

Saturday, January 11, 2020: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Vehicle Inspection & Impound

Sunday, January 12, 2020:   Noon to 3:00 p.m. Race Day!

  • Location: Coyote Creek MPR
  • Attire: Class A uniform
  • Bring: Reusable water bottle and readiness to cheer on your fellow scouts

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Pinewood Derby SignUps

Our Annual Pinewood Derby will be held on January 12th from noon to 3 PM in the MPR! There will be racing, design competitions, and pizza. Please be conservation minded and bring your own reusable bottle. Fresh filtered water will be available from the refillable station in the MPR. We will once again have an open class for adults and siblings. Additional kits may be purchased for $5. Contact Jessica Almeida ([email protected]) to purchase more kits. Wear your Class A uniform!

The mandatory inspection and car impounding is on January 11th from 10:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. at the Pack Shed near the Coyote Creek Kindergarten area.

Even though Pinewood Derby car is a team project for scouts and their adults, we encourage scouts to do as much of the car building as possible. For those new to scouting or just need a refresher course, here are some helpful websites.

If you need help cutting the wood block, you could take it to Ace Hardware. The store staff may charge each car $5. You can also use their equipment to sand, align the wheels, and fine-tune various details. Each car must pass inspection on January 11th by the official inspection committee before it will be allowed to compete. Once a car passes inspection and is entered into the race, only the race committee members can touch it. If the car loses a wheel, or is otherwise damaged, the racer has 5 minutes to make repairs.

Rules will be emailed to you in a separate email and can be found Pack 1776 Pinewood Derby Official Rules.

On the day of the event, cars will race in multiple heats.  They will have the opportunity to race on each of the 4 tracks. Only their best time will be used. All participants will receive a patch for participating. Trophies will be awarded to the fastest three cars in each rank, and the overall fastest three cars in the Pack. We will also give ribbons to 1) Best Paint Job, 2) Most Unique, 3) Most Patriotic, 4) Most Interesting Design, 5) Most Original, 6) Most Creative


  • Lion Heats (x4 for each Lion)
  • Tiger Heats (x4 for each Tiger)
  • Wolf Heats (x4 for each Wolf)
  • Bear Heats (x4 for each Bear)
  • Webelos I Heats (x4 for each Webelos I)
  • Webelos II Heats (x4 for each Webelos II)
  • Siblings Heats (x4 for each Sibling)
  • Best Overall Heats (x4 for each First place Den Winner)

According to the BSA's Cub Scout Leader How-To-Book, the GENERAL RULES are as follows:

All cars must pass the following inspection to qualify for the race:

  1. Width shall not exceed 2-3/4 inches.
  2. Length shall not exceed 7 inches.
  3. Weight shall not exceed 5 ounces.
  4. Axles, wheels, and body shall be from the materials provided in the kit. Additional wheels can be purchased separately.
  5. Wheel bearings, washers, and bushings are prohibited.
  6. No lubricating oil may be used. Axles may be lubricated with powdered graphite or silicone.
  7. The car shall not ride on any kind of spring.
  8. The car must be free-wheeling with no starting devices.
  9. No loose materials of any kind are allowed in the car.

Here are the rules in more detail: Pack 1776 Pinewood Derby Official Rules


December 12th Pack Meeting

Be Prepared: What to do in an emergency

  • DATE: December 12, 2019
  • TIME: 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
  • LOCATION: Coyote Creek Elementary MPR
  • UNIFORM:  Class A

Making correct decisions under pressure can be difficult for anyone, but if Cub Scouts practice knowing when and how to call 911, basic first aid, and other skills they can be more ready for emergency situations. December's Pack Meeting's theme is to allow Scouts to build a basic first aid kit that may be useful on hikes, learn basic wound care, learn and practice when and how to call 911 on different types of phones and how to summon aid in the outdoors. All registered scouts will receive a pouch, simple first aid supplies, signal mirror and whistle.

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS: There are 4 stations that we need to staff, with adults and Den Chiefs using a written script to teach:

  1. Station #1 - Make a first aid kit / how to treat a cut or scrape on a hike
  2. Station #2 - When to call 911
  3. Station #3 - How to call 911
  4. Station #4 - How to prepare for a hike & what do when we are lost. SIGN UP HERE!

Following the meeting, Pinewood Derby Car Kits will be passed out. These are free to all registered Cub Scouts.

Adults and siblings are welcome to join in on the fun in their own special heats. Pinewood Derby Kits for family members are $5 each.

Pinewood Derby Weekend is January 11th (Impound) and January 12th (Race Day). Check the website for additional details and complete Pack 1776 Pinewood Derby Official Rules.


Leader Education and Discovery (L.E.A.D.) 2020

January 25, 2020

Registration for the BIGGEST Training event of 2020 — Leader Education and Discovery (L.E.A.D.) is now open. Bask in the warmth of friendliness and camaraderie of like-minded Scout leaders. Catch-up with old friends and meet new friends.

This event is OPEN to all adults. You DO NOT have to be a uniform leader. Everyone is welcome to attend!  Invest in the future – YOUR future success as a Scout leader, and the continuing interest and engagement of your Scouts depends on trained adults.

  • DATE:  Saturday, January 25th, 2020
  • TIME:   8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • LOCATION:  Diablo Valley College (DVC) - 321 Golf Club Rd, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
  • UNIFORMS:  Class A encouraged
  • COST:  $45 per participant (The Pack will reimburse after you attend and if you stay with us until the end of the school year)
  • REGISTRATION: Including Course Catalog and Schedules

What is STEM and how does it work for Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA and Venturers?

Where can I go camping, hiking or backpacking in Northern California?

Where can I get in person training for my position as a Cub Scout, Scouts or Venture Leader?

How can I run fun and exciting Pack Meetings?

L.E.A.D. has you covered. L.E.A.D. offers over 130 classes across five colleges: Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing, Outdoors and Continuing Education. The day is broken up into 6 sessions. Some classes are 1 session, others, such as CPR certification, are 3 sessions, while even others, like Venturing Leader Training, last all day.

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Scouting For Food Community Project

November 9 and November 16, 2019

This year's Scouting for Food is scheduled for the weekend of November 9th (Distribution of door hangers) and November 16th (Collection of food).

For those new to scouting, this is a wonderful opportunity for our scouts to participate in a community service project. The food that we collect goes to the Contra Costa Food Bank from where it is distributed to those in need. Den leaders are responsible for ensuring their den's participation in this event.

Click here soon to see the area assignment for each den.  You can also click on the white rectangle symbol on the far right to view the map in full size:

General Reminders:

  • Wear Class A Scout uniform
  • Drivers should have all scouts in view at all times
  • Scouts are NOT to enter a donor's residence
  • Bring a friend - a great way to introduce what Scouting is about

Hanger Distribution - November 9th

  • Door hangers should be placed on the door or partially under the door mat (ensure it's visible and won't blow away)
  • Do not put hangers in mailboxes
  • If you cannot pass out your door hangers on November 9th, you may distribute door hangers on a different day, such as November 10th

Food Pickup - November 16th

  • Food must be picked up from the same area you distributed door hangers
  • Food pickup is to begin no earlier than 9:00 am
  • Food must be dropped off in front of Coyote Creek MPR between 10:00 am and noon

If you may be late and wish to know if one of the coordinators will still be at Coyote Creek, please call one of the Scouting for Food Chairs:

If you will be much later than noon, you can bring your collection to the Meridian District's food collection site.  They will be open till 2:30pm.  After 2:30 pm, you will have to take your collection to the Contra Costa Food Bank located at 4010 Nelson Avenue in Concord (925.676.7534) during their regular hours. Please let them know your collection is from the Meridian District's Scouting for food project.

Ideas to help us collect more food on the 16th!

o    Knock on every door that received a door hanger and did not leave a donation. Maybe they forgot to put out their food or would give if asked.

o    Tell your family and friends if they didn't get a door hanger they can still help by dropping off their food at the MPR on Nov 17th between 10am - noon

All participating scouts receive a patch.

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JOTI/JOTA – Saturday, October 19, 2019

Date:    Saturday, October 19, 2019 
Time:    Come anytime from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.  Typical time onsite is 1-3 hours. 
Place:   PACIFICON, San Ramon Marriott, 2600 Bishop Drive, San Ramon, CA
Cost:    TBD.  Includes JOTA patch and general admission into Pacificon for Cub Scout and Scouts BSA (ONLY for Youth in full uniform or adult leader accompanying Scouts in full uniform). Kit building has additional cost (see below). 
Registration:  Registration required at:

Note:  Lunch will NOT be provided, so bring your own.

The JOTA/JOTI is an annual event in which Scouts all over the world speak to each other by means of amateur radio contacts or the Internet. Scouting experiences are exchanged and ideas are shared.

When Scouts want to meet young people from another country they usually think of attending a World Jamboree or another international gathering. But few people realize that each year about half-a-million Scouts "get together" over the airwaves for the annual Jamboree On The Air (JOTA), and through the Internet in the Jamboree On The Internet (JOTI). Modern communication technology offers Scouts the exciting opportunity to make friends in other countries without even leaving the state.

For Cub Scouts:
Plan to spend about one hour for a docent-led tour of the event, including listening (and possibly talking) to Ham Radio operators around the country and world.  We will also have computers for the JOTI online communications.  Come any time between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. 

Webelos/AOL scouts will have an opportunity to complete Requirement 10.d. for Building a Better World Adventure.

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“Webelos to Scout” transition program

Date: Thursday, October 24, 2019

Time: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Location:  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 2949 Stone Valley Road, Alamo

The District's annual “Webelos to Scout” transition program is for parents of Webelos, Den Leaders and parents of boys interested in joining Boy Scouts. (Adults only.  No Webelos Scouts or children please).  The transition process will be explained, questions answered, and you will then have a chance to meet all of the troops in the District and learn more about their programs.

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November Pack Meeting: NOVA Fearful Symmetry

& Distribution of Popcorn & Awards

November 6th

  • DATE: November 6, 2019
  • TIME: 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
  • LOCATION: Coyote Creek Elementary MPR
  • UNIFORM:  Class A

This module is designed to help you explore how symmetry affects your life each day. Symmetry is something for which most people have an intuitive feel, but many have never thought about in enough detail to give names to all that they see. Symmetry is a way that a figure is like itself. Symmetry is everywhere. Minerals organize themselves in crystals, which are repeating patterns. Plants and animals have many interesting symmetries in their shapes. Most artistic traditions in the world, and many activities where people design a shape for its function, depend on some form of symmetry. In this award, Scouts get to explore many aspects of this topic.

Stations at this event will be:

  • Make a paper lantern.
  • Learn about the kolam artwork of southern India and make a kolam.
  • Learn about the design of Navajo rugs and using different colors. We will, make our own Navajo-like rug.

Distribution of Popcorn & Awards

Popcorn Top Seller Awards, Prize & Door to Door Sale DistributionThis year’s Popcorn Fundraiser was a-maize-zing!  You pop-ably never realized it, but the Fall Popcorn Campaign is a key fundraise for our Council given it does not receive any funding from our national registration fees.

Come learn what the Pack raised, who the top sellers were.  If you earned a prize for selling popcorn, this will be distributed after the pack meeting.

For those of you who took “Take Orders” – i.e. door to door sales, this popcorn product will be distributed at the end of the pack meeting so that you can deliver it to your customers.

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Monterey Bay Aquarium Overnighter

February 1-2, 2020

  • Date: February 1st (Saturday) – February 2nd (Sunday)
  • Check In: 6:30 p.m. Event: 7 p.m. to 8:30 a.m.
  • Location: Monterey Bay Aquarium
  • Directions:  Here
  • Cost: VARIES $95 per adult/scout, however depending on your popcorn tier, there may be a subsidy paid by the Pack. This will be determined soon.
  • RSVP: Google Form
  • Payment: Checks payable to Pack 1776 by November 6th or pay online (added fee)
  • Attire: Class A for Saturday and Class B for Sunday; Pajamas.
  • Parking: See below. Overnight parking at Foam and Irving charges until 8 p.m. and again at 9 a.m. Overnight parking at Foam and Hoffman charges until 8 p.m. and again at 6 a.m.
  • Must Read:Planning Guide

Let’s explore the Aquarium after hours and sleep with the sharks…in a good way.  Sign up and turn in your check made to Pack 1776 by November 6th at the Pack Meeting or in the Pack mailbox. You may also pay via credit card via Square, but note these prices are higher as it incorporates their service fee.  Only paid participants are guaranteed spots. Refunds are available only until November 27, 2019. After that, the costs are not refundable.

What to Bring

  • Completed check-in forms.
  • Sleeping bag and optional pad or air mattress. Aquarium floors are hard.
  • Mattresses or pads should measure no larger than 39 x 75 x 19 inches (twin) per guest, unless shared with another guest to ensure plenty of space for all guests. Cots are a tripping hazard in the dark, so must be flat against a wall.
  • Pillow.
  • Pajamas and comfortable shoes or hard-soled slippers. Footwear must be worn when walking around the Aquarium.
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste and personal care items. Shower facilities are not available.
  • Reusable water bottle.
  • Camera (flash photography, tripods and monopods are prohibited). The Aquarium is a flash-free facility. Camera flashes and flashlights may cause harm to our animals.
  • Earplugs if you are a light sleeper.

What Not to Bring

  • Any outside food, drinks or gum
  • Tents
  • Radios, music/MP3 players, iPads/tablets, computers or other electronic devices
  • Party favors or balloons


  • You may drop off passengers in the pull-out directly in front of the Aquarium or across the street in the bus turnaround. Parking enforcement may cite cars blocking traffic or double-parked.
  • The sleepover runs from 7 p.m. to 8:30 a.m. Please park in a location that will not require you to move your vehicle during the sleepover.
  • Overnight parking at Foam and Irving charges until 8 p.m. and again at 9 a.m.
  • Overnight parking at Foam and Hoffman charges until 8 p.m. and again at 6 a.m.
  • The Aquarium does not validate parking.
  • Contact Monterey Parking Division for more details at 831.646.3953.


  • Outside food and drink are prohibited at the Aquarium.
  • All sleepovers include evening snack and morning breakfast. Vegetarian and made-without-gluten options will be available.
  • Please note that the Aquarium is not a gluten-, nut- or dairy-free facility. Cross-contamination may occur. If you have severe allergies, please contact them at two weeks prior to the event at 831.647.6886.

Evening Experience

  • The Aquarium will offer a variety of activities throughout the evening for our sleepover guests. Guests are free to choose the activities they wish to participate in, or use the evening to explore the Aquarium. The only mandatory activity is orientation, which will provide more information about the sleepover.
  • Access to overnight gear is available at approximately 9:30 p.m. The Aquarium is unable to accommodate earlier requests, as overnight gear in exhibits would limit other guests’ access to those spaces.
  • Lights begin to go out at 10:30 p.m. depending on the exhibit. All exhibit lights are out by 11 p.m. Final bedtime for all guests is 12:30 a.m.
  • Exhibit areas vary overnight in terms of light levels, sleeping space and ambient noise. For the safety of the animals, some exhibit windows may be blocked (either with a curtain, black screens or bubble screens) or closed during portions of the evening or the entire event. Guests are prohibited from moving curtains, screens or other exhibit blocking devices to view animals.
  • Electrical outlets are scattered throughout sleeping areas, but the Aquarium is unable to guarantee their availability. Preference for outlets will be granted to those with medical concerns (such as for use of a CPAP).
  • Note that our sleepovers are public and coed events.

Morning Activities

  • Wake up is at 7 a.m. Guests must pack up their gear and stow it in assigned areas (designated at orientation) before going to breakfast.
  • The Aquarium offers a variety of activities in the morning, including a naturalist on the back deck to assist with wildlife watching (weather dependent).
  • The Aquarium Store will be open in the morning for those who wish to make any purchases.
  • Departure is between 7:45 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. All guests must vacate the Aquarium with their gear by 8:30 a.m. even if they plan to visit the Aquarium after the sleepover.
  • Sleepovers include admission to the Aquarium the day following the sleepover (e.g. if the sleepover is Saturday night, admission will be for Sunday). Your sleepover wristband and ticket will grant you re-admission at Will Call in the Main Entrance when the Aquarium opens to the public for the day.
  • Looking for something to do between the exit time and re-entry time? Take our free Coastal Trail audio tour or Cannery Row audio tour.


  • Wear shoes or hard-soled slippers while walking around during the sleepover.
  • NO weapons or drug use of any kind are allowed on Aquarium property.
  • Smoking (including electronic) is prohibited by all persons anywhere on Aquarium property.
  • Cell phones should be put in silent mode.
  • The Aquarium is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen items. Lost and Found is located at the Information Desk.
  • The Aquarium does not allow pets.
  • The Aquarium advises their security officers are certified in First Aid/CPR and on-site throughout the sleepover. Reach out to staff or the Information Desk for minor care. In case of emergency, reach their security staff at 831.648.4840.
  • Security will lock all outside doors once check-in is complete. Leaving the sleepover is highly discouraged. If you need to leave for an emergency, please notify the Information Desk first.
  • In case of an evacuation, all guests will meet across the street at the bus turn-around. Willing guests may be asked to assist staff.
  • Failure to adhere to these policies may result in expulsion from the event without a refund.

Refunds & Cancelations

  • Refunds are available only until NOVEMBER 27, 2019. After that, the costs are not refundable.
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Halloween Party! October 30th

  • Date and Time: Wednesday, October 30, 2019 from 6 pm to 8 pm (Setup begins at 5:00 pm.)
  • Location: Coyote Creek Elementary School, MPR, 8700 North Gale Ridge Road, San Ramon, CA
  • Cost: Free admission. Nominal fee for concessions.
  • Attire: Costumes!!
  • Signup: Just show up and have fun! No sign up is needed. The entire scouting family is welcome!

Beware of ghosts and goblins! Come for an evening of games, fun, and mayhem!  Participate in our Cub Scout Carnival! Jump in the large jumpy house and play carnival games to win prizes. Come dressed up in your Halloween best and get your picture taken at the photo booth. You may even win one of our costume medals at the parade; you do not need to be a scout to win. A small slice of pizza will be available for $1.00 in the food booth. Popcorn is free!

See you there!

WE COULD USE YOUR HELP!  Sign up to volunteer at: Halloween Party Committee.

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