Cub Scout Pack 1776

B-I-N-G-O Night – “B” There, Fri Sept 28

Hi Everyone,

Just a friendly reminder that coming up is the Coyote Creek PTA's annual bingo night.

Every year, we, the cubs of Pack 1776, are invited to help with the games, by actually calling out the letters and numbers at the big games. We team up with the Girl Scouts as well.

Den Leader and All-Around Cool Guy, Scott Spears and I will Emcee the games, and provide the tracking of the event, and we want as many scouts to come as possible, to join in the fun.

This is your chance to stand on the stage at the MPR, and talk through the microphone. Good training for you future game show hosts (or rock stars!) in the pack.

For those of scouts who already signed up on the Coyote Creek website, please remember to wear your fancy Class A uniforms. This is a must.

For those of you who are walking around, wondering what you're going to do Friday, and might like to have a great time, Lynda Gann informed me that there might be a few spots available. Worth a try on the school website.

I will need you to send me a return email if you are attending to confirm. Last year, we did an evite, here is your John-Vite. This will help me gather the team up.

Also, I could really use some helpful parents and cubs to help with the set up and tear down. Please arrive at 4:00 at the MPR if you can, or stick around after, or both, I will!

See you soon,

Cubmaster John

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Bingo Night Sept 28th at Coyote Creek Sign Ups Now Online

Pack 1776,

If your cub wants to participate in Bingo Night next week on the 28th, you must sign up by following the instructions below from the Coyote Creek website.  They must have tickets in order to get in, even if they are working as volunteers.

Bingo Tickets on Sale Tuesday, September 18 at 7:00pm

To purchase tickets:

  • Go to: and Sign-In
  • On the Overview Page, click on Step 3: Activities, Programs, and PTA Membership
  • Scan the page for Bingo Tickets and select the number of tickets you want to purchase.
  • Pay with Debit, Credit, or PayPal.

Tickets may be purchased online only.  Tickets will sell out fast, so please RSVP early. No checks or cash will be accepted at the door.

Bingo Night is September 28th, from 5:30 - 8:00 in the MPR.  Admission is $5.00 per person and includes bingo pad, raffle ticket, pizza, drinks, cookies, and FUN!

See the bingo night flyer for more info.

Yuji Yamada
Pack 1776 Committee Chair

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2012 Popcorn Sales – Starts This Weekend at Safeway!

Popcorn Sales begin this Saturday & Sunday at the following Safeway stores:

New den leaders, please sign up at the Sign-up-Genius invite from Popcorn Chair Mette Spears. If we run out of slots, we can add additional shifts.

Please contact your den leader if you have not signed up for this exciting event!

Remember, sales earned at the stores count toward your Trails End Prizes! These prizes are listed on the Face-to-Face Take Order forms that were handed out at the last Pack Meeting. These sales and the individual sales you make selling to friends, neighbors, relatives and parents co-workers will count towards your Trails End Prize. Objections in Sales does happen in businesses, but when it comes down to it, resolving this can make all the difference to how much product you sell. From this, you can start building connections with potential clients and generate more sales.

As an additional incentive announced at the Pack Meeting, to drive individual Face-to-Face Take Order sales, we've added more prizes to help motivate our boys.

  • $100 Take Order Popcorn sales - 1 Skylander game figure or $10 Target Gift Card
  • $150 Take Order Popcorn sales - Pie in Face
  • $200 Take Order Popcorn sales - 2 Skylander game figures or $20 Target Gift Card (Please note that the prizes are not cumulative, meaning that earning the $200 prize mean they only get the 2 Skylanders or $20 Gift Card, and not the $100 prize of $1 Skylander and $10 Gift Card)
  • $300 Take Order Popcorn sales - 3 Skylander game figures or $30 Target Gift Card (Please note that the prizes are not cumulative, meaning that earning the $300 prize mean they only get the 3 Skylanders or $30 Gift Card)
  • $400 Take Order Popcorn sales - 4 Skylander game figures or $40 Target Gift Card (Please note that the prizes are not cumulative, meaning that earning the $400 prize mean they only get the 4 Skylanders or $40 Gift Card)
  • $500 Take Order Popcorn sales - 1 Skylander Giants Portal Owners Pack Game or $50 Target Gift Card (Please note that the prizes are not cumulative, meaning that earning the $500 prize mean they only get the game or $50 Gift Card)

Though, everyone can get a prize and the Pie in Face.

Also, the Den that sells most on an average per cub basis gets an ice cream party prize!

With the Product flyer and Take Order form, you can start selling today.

Please take some time to view the training video, so that you can see how easy it is to go out there and get people to support cub scouting!

Yuji Yamada
Pack 1776 Committee Chair


MDSC Announcement on Youth Protection


Youth Protection

Dear Scouting family,

This weekend, the LA Times ran a story concerning the Boy Scout confidential youth protection files, which are being released.

As you know, Youth Protection is of paramount importance to the Boy Scouts of America and we have established a multi-tiered approach focused on effective volunteer screening, education and training, and clear policies to protect youth. As part of this effort we have, and will continue to use, Ineligible Volunteer Files (IV Files) to screen and keep individuals whose actions are inconsistent with the standards of Scouting out of the program.

Last June, an Oregon court ordered the BSA IV Files that were submitted as evidence in trial should be released. The BSA has argued that the confidentiality of these reports helps us protect Scouts. We believe that victims and their families have the right to choose for themselves whether to share their stories publicly, and people are more likely to come forward to report real or perceived misconduct if they can do so confidentially. The Oregon State Supreme Court recently ordered that those files be made public in redacted form and these files are expected to receive significant media coverage.

The IV Files involved are 25-45 years old and the media is likely to focus its attention on that time period. Scouting's Youth Protection policies and procedures have evolved and been strengthened significantly since then. Today our programs are cited by leading experts in child welfare as examples to be emulated by other youth serving groups. That said, the best prevention requires constant vigilance and we will never waiver in our efforts to protect the youth entrusted to our care. As we often say in Scouting, "Youth Protection begins with you." That means each and every one of us shares in this important responsibility. You can learn additional details about our youth protection efforts by visiting

As you know, and as the website above describes in greater detail, Scouting has in place mandatory reporting policies concerning abuse. If you have a good-faith suspicion or belief that any child is or has been physically or sexually abused, we ask that you notify local authorities and me, as your local Scout Executive.

If you should receive any media inquiries on this subject, please forward them directly to [email protected] or 855-870-2178.

Thank you for all you do to help ensure Scouting is a safe place for all.

John C. Fenoglio
Scout Executive/CEO
Mt. Diablo Silverado Council


BSA Open Letter to Parents

September 17, 2012

Dear Scouting Parent,

We recognize you have entrusted to Scouting the development and safety of your child. We are honored by your faith in this organization and want you to know these are top priorities.

In this period of heightened awareness about youth safety, we want to share with you Scouting’s many important programs, policies, and procedures that help protect our members.

We are committed to consistently strengthening and enhancing our Youth Protection measures, and in recent decades, have expanded our programs significantly as more information and new techniques and technologies have become available to us. Recently, experts in youth safety and the media have acknowledged the strength of our Youth Protection programs in place today:

  • “The Boy Scouts of America is one group advocates say has gone farthest to institute such measures to safeguard kids.” (MSNBC, November 2011)
  • “The Scouts’ current prevention policies are considered state of the art and several independent child-protection experts told The Associated Press that the Scouts—though buffeted in the past by many abuse-related lawsuits—are now considered a leader in combating sexual abuse. ‘The Boy Scouts have the most advanced policies and training,’ said Victor Vieth, a former prosecutor who heads the National Child Protection Training Center in Minnesota.” (Associated Press, January 2012.
  • While we continuously evaluate and strengthen our Youth Protection programs, we recognize that abuse can happen anywhere, even in Scouting. You may have heard recent news surrounding the release of certain Ineligible Volunteer Files. BSA Ineligible Volunteer Files, still in use today, help keep people deemed to be unfit leaders out of Scouting. Still, we believe constant vigilance is the best protection. In Scouting, we tell everyone involved with our programs that “Youth protection begins with you.”™ That means that each of us has a role to play in keeping kids safe.

We want to ensure that you are aware of our Youth Protection programs, policies, and procedures, so you know what to expect of our organization. Our safeguards include the following:

  • All volunteers must complete a rigorous application and screening process before joining Scouting. As part of this requirement, applicants must provide references and submit to a national criminal background check. We also verify that our organization has not received any prior allegations of misconduct on the volunteer’s part by checking names in our Ineligible Volunteer Files. Our goal is to ensure that all adult volunteers represent the values and character outlined in the Scout Oath and Scout Law and are good leaders for your child.
  • All volunteers are required to complete Youth Protection training and must renew the training every two years. This training is accessible to the general public online at, under the Youth Protection tab. Please review the training, as it provides important information about detecting and preventing abuse, no matter where it may occur.
  • Scouting’s two-deep leadership policy requires at least two adults to be present for all Scouting activities. No youth should ever be alone with a Scout leader for any reason.
  • Every Boy Scout and Cub Scout handbook includes a pamphlet to help parents teach their children how to recognize, resist, and report abuse. If you haven’t done so already, please immediately review and discuss this information with your child. A copy of the pamphlet and other youth-oriented literature is available under the Youth Protection tab on our website.
  • All Scouting activities are open to parents, and we encourage families to enjoy Scouting together.
  • Anyone suspected of inappropriate behavior will be immediately and permanently banned from Scouting. If you ever have any concerns about your child’s safety, please contact the BSA immediately through your local council. You can find the contact information by typing “Local Council Locator” into the search bar on our website.
  • Internationally recognized child abuse prevention expert and former law enforcement professional Mike Johnson today leads Scouting’s Youth Protection program . Johnson, formerly a police detective investigating child abuse, working in close coordination with other experts in law enforcement, psychology, and other disciplines, is building upon these and other existing policies to further enhance Scouting’s safety, educational, and training programs.

These measures are by no means the full extent of our efforts, but given the media attention youth-serving organizations including Scouting have recently received, we wanted to share some of the most important aspects of our program. Additional information and resources can be accessed by visiting and clicking on the Youth Protection tab.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your local Scout executive. Thanks for all you do to support Scouting and help us keep kids safe.

Wayne Brock
Chief Scout Executive
Boy Scouts of America

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One Car One Difference

Do you have a vehicle that you no longer need and have a desire to support Scouting? If you do, this program may be for you.

One Car One Difference is a vehicle donation program that converts unwanted vehicles at auction into cash for non-profit charities. Their partnership with the Boy Scouts of America provides you another way to support our council, allowing them to put those funds to use in support of the programs and facilities needed most by the youth.

Donation process is simple. A few pieces of information will get you started. Towing and auctioning of the donated vehicle will be managed by the Insurance Auto Auctions (IAA) team. Once the vehicle is sold, you will receive a receipt for tax deduction filing, and the proceeds will be returned to the local Council.

Click on the logo to get started!


Are You Ready?

We are kicking off a new Scouting year. Are you ready for a year of fun and many adventures in the years to come? See you all tomorrow. Don't forget to bring the check and volunteer form!


9/11 Memorial Ceremony – September 11th Coyote Creek

Hi Pack 1776 Families,

Coyote Creek Elementary has invited Pack 1776 to participate in the opening flag ceremony for their 9/11 Memorial that they are planning to have at the school this coming Tuesday morning, September 11th at 8:30am.

For those cubs who want to participate, you must arrive in front of the school office at 7:45am so that we can practice and know where we need to be before ceremony. All scouts who participate must wear their full Class A uniforms. They can change into class B shirts or regular clothes after the ceremony, if they want.

We plan to also have a practice dress towards the end of the Welcome Back Kickoff event this coming Saturday, so please try and attend.

Please RSVP to me by Saturday's Welcome Back event so that I can get an estimate of interested cubs .


Best Regards,

Yuji Yamada
Committee Chair
Pack 1776

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Welcome Back Kickoff

Hi Pack 1776 Returning Families,

This email is to inform you we are holding our annual Welcome Back Kickoff from 3:00pm-5:00pm on Saturday, September 8th, at Coyote Crossing Park on Rosincress Drive in San Ramon.

The Welcome Kickoff event is where you come to welcome you back and to meet potential new parents who are thinking of joining our pack. During this time, you will have an opportunity to do the following:

  • Complete a volunteer interest form (we use this to match parent skills and interests with volunteer opportunities).
  • Pay annual registration fee of $100.00. Checks preferred, and we do not have the ability to process credit or debit cards.
  • Your boy will receive the 2012-2013 Pack 1776 T-Shirt.

For those not able to attend, please complete the form and make payment at the first Pack Meeting.


Please open and print out the Parent Volunteer Form pages 1 and 2, as these will need to be turned in when you submit your application and payment. This year, we would like to encourage more participation in the wide range of volunteer opportunities within the pack. This document gives a description of the duties and responsibilities events and positions. If you have any questions on any of these roles, feel free to email me.

This is a very exciting time for Pack 1776. We currently have 58 active cubs and over 50 families have recently expressed interest in joining. The 2012-2013 year is filled with lots of fun things and we hope you will enjoy your return to the pack.

The First Pack Meeting is next week Wednesday, September 12th 7pm to 8pm at Coyote Creek MPR.

We look forward to seeing you at the Welcome Kickoff next Saturday and Pack Meeting next week!


Yuji Yamada
Committee Chair
Pack 1776


Council Merger Update

SUMMARY – The San Francisco Bay Area Council voted to support the Merger and the Mt Diablo Silverado Council voted to oppose the Merger. Consequently, the potential Merger of our two Councils will not move forward.

Last evening the “voting members” of the SFBAC voted overwhelmingly in support of merging (with 92% in favor.) However, the voting members of the MDSC, voted solidly against the merger (with 61% against.) Over the past several months an organized group within the MDSC developed and successfully marketed an “Alternative to Merger Plan,” which they believe will better serve the youth in our Council. Both organizations will continue to operate independently in providing the values and character building programs of Scouting to some 35,000 young people from throughout the Bay Area.

Find out more about MDSC's Alternative to Merger Plan here and their Plan of Action moving forward.