Cub Scout Pack 1776

Smoke Signals – September

Smoke Signals is a monthly newsletter published by the Mount Diablo Silverado Council. The September issue is now available for download.

Learn about leader training opportunities, key popcorn dates, upcoming resident camps and the annual L.E.A.D. event.


Leader Training

Hello Pack 1776 Leaders

Below is all the basics you need to know about getting trained in your position for Cub Scouts. Most of the training can be completed online at the Online Learning Center @

Cub Scout Leader Training

A direct contact Scout leader is considered fully trained and entitled to wear the Trained leader emblem when he or she has completed the following training courses and the specific training for the position.

Fast Start Training

Fast Start training is the first step for all new leaders and should be taken immediately after they register and before they meet with any youth members.  All Fast Start courses are available on DVD, or they can be completed through the Online Learning Center. (If you are new to Scouting, you will be asked to create an account.)

Youth Protection Training

Youth Protection training is required for all registered adults every two years. At all times, youth safety is the number one priority. At the same time, adults need to know the rules for keeping themselves safe, too. Comprehensive Youth Protection training teaches all the do’s and don’ts of working with youth. The training is offered through the Online Learning Center, or it may be taken as part of an district or council training course.

This is Scouting

This Is Scouting is a new online training session. It picks up when Fast Start leaves off with six modules of training: The Mission of Scouting, Programs for All ages, Scouting Is Fun, Scouting in the Community, Keeping Our Youth Safe, and Scouting’s Legacy. The training takes about an hour to complete and can be found on Online Learning Center. (If you are new to Scouting, you will be asked to create an account.)

Position Specific Training

Leader position specific training is “basic training” for each position. The training is offered through the Online Learning Center or it may be taken as part of a district or council training course. Cub Scout Leader Specific training has been developed for the following positions:

  • Tiger Cub den leaders and assistants
  • Cubmasters and assistants
  • Wolf and Bear Den leaders and assistants
  • Pack Committee
  • Webelos den leaders and assistants
  • Pack trainers

In addition to the online training option, there are district level courses available:

Meridian District ADULT TRAINING

Training opportunities:
1. Tour Plan training – Sept. RT
2. “How to Use Den Chiefs and Where to Find Them” training -- future Cub Scout RT
3. BALOO/Outdoor Leader Skills (OLS) for Webelos Leaders - Oct. 22-23

For more information, please see the training page of Smoke Signals or training website (  Further Q’s contact Meridian district training chair Ray Chan, [email protected]

Out of District ADULT TRAINING

Cub Scout Leader Forum: Sat, Oct 8, LDS Church, 1590 Denkinger Rd, Concord, CA Contact Tom Santos, [email protected].

Outdoor Leader Skills (OLS) for Webelos Leaders:
Fri-Sat, Oct 21-22, Camp Fetterman, 2755 CRYSTAL LN, BRENTWOOD. Contact Tom Santos, [email protected].


All registered adults must complete Youth Protection Training every two years. The Top Leader of each unit must be Trained for their position or the unit will not be allowed to recharter for 2012. Top Leader in Cub Scouts, as defined by the national office, is the Cubmaster.

At least one registered leader on every outing requiring a Tour Plan must have completed Youth Protection Training and Hazardous Weather Training. Both of these courses are available online at Other training may be required depending on what you are doing, for example, safe swim defense if you are going swimming.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if there are any Q’s,
Ed Laubach
Pack 1776 Training Chair

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Scout Night With The Sharks vs. Anaheim Ducks

San Jose Sharks has just announced their first Scout Night of the season to be on Friday, September 23rd. Your San Jose Sharks including Joe Thornton, Patrick Marleau and Dan Boyle will take on Bobby Ryan and division rival the Anaheim Ducks! So come out and support your San Jose Sharks by taking advantage of this special offer!

- Special preseason discounted ticket to the game!
- Commemorative San Jose Sharks Scout Night patch!
- All seats just $25 (first come, first served)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!**
- Discounts taken off of $63, $51 and $43 full price tickets.**
- Groups of 25+ get a video board announcement.

Find out more about this event here.

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Pack 1776 Programs

It was nice seeing many of you at school registration last week.  If you have not picked up the new Pack calendar and hiking program, they are available here.

Pack 1776 Calendar 2011-2012
Pack 1776 Hiking Program 2011-2013


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Cub Scouts Welcome Kickoff

Pack 1776 friends and families,

The leaders of Pack 1776 would like to invite you and your families to the 2011 Welcome Back Kickoff on Saturday, August 27, 2011, from 3:00pm-5:00pm, at Coyote Crossing Park located at 3495 Rosincress Drive. Cubmaster John and many Pack leaders have been hard at work this summer planning a fantastic fun filled year of great Scouting activities! We encourage you to bring your friends that may be interesting in joining Pack 1776. The attire for the returning scouts is the class A (regular uniform) or class B uniform (Pack 1776 t-shirt), and be sure to bring your checkbook for the annual registration dues.

Things to bring: clipboard and pen, lawn chairs, blankets to sit on, checkbooks

Flag ceremony
Pledge of Allegiance
Scouts and siblings to join in field games
Welcome and Leader introductions (John)
Announcements and calendar review of major events (John)
Volunteer positions (Steve)
Snack: S’mores
Closing ceremony
Clean up

Please come, reconnect with friends, share what you’ve been doing this summer, and help us kick off the year!


Steve Jackson
Pack 1776 Committee Chairperson

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SCOUTStrong PALA Challenge

Today, BSA launches the new SCOUTStrong Program to get youth more active and fit. SCOUTStrong was kicked off by announcing a collaboration with the President’s Challenge, the premier program of the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition (PCFSN), resulting in a Scout-specific Presidential Active Lifestyle Award (PALA) challenge.

This challenge is open to everyone associated with BSA, including Scouts, parents, volunteers, and alumni. To earn the SCOUTStrong PALA Challenge Award, you are required to meet a daily activity goal of 30 minutes a day for adults and 60 minutes a day for kids under 18 for at least five days a week, for six out of eight weeks. Stick with the program and you’ll earn an award in less than two months!

After successfully completing the challenge, send a request to the Awards Chairs for the joint BSA/PALA SCOUTStrong PALA Challenge award patch.  Find out more and sign up for the challenge here.


Yosemite Camping

This is one of over 50 wonderful photos of Tuolumne Meadows taken during our camping trip this past weekend. The mule deer pictured was not immediately frightened by my younger son. All the wildlife was fun to watch with the exception of a yearling (bear) that kept wandering through our campsite at night.

Harry Beck
Assistant Cubmaster

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Calling all Webelos!! Registration for the upcoming Webel-o-ree is now open. This will be a sold out event. Act fast!

The Webel-o-ree is a fun overnight outing for Webelos & their parents to enjoy. While working with Boy Scout patrols, Webelos may earn Webelos activity pins (Outdoorsman, Geologist, Naturalist and Forester). That is, FOUR activity pins in one weekend!!! Webel-o-ree is open to all first and second-year Webelos. All Webelos and their parent attending will receive a custom Webel-o-ree patch and the activity pins earned at the event.

More info at the Council's website.

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MDSC Open House with BSA IndyCar


Coyote Creek Registration and Recruiting

Hello Scouts, Leaders and Parents!

Miss school yet?  Well here's our chance to team up with the PTA and with the Girl Scouts on the School Registration Days, Thursday August 11 and Tuesday August 16.

Our Pack 1776 will have tables set up outside the MPR on Thursday, from 9:00 to 1:00, presenting information about our totally cool Cub Scout Pack 1776 to new guys who might be interested in joining our fun team.  Den 8 Leader Ammy Pluth will be there, along with Webelos I Jack P, and your friendly, neighborhood Cub Master John, with his trusty guitar, of course.

If you are interested in hanging out with us, talking it up about cub scouting, singing songs, playing Bey Blades or frisbee and maybe even acting like ZOMBIES, then come out and join us in your Class A uniforms.  Why not tell some new kids how fun scouting can be? Plus we'll pass out snacks and bottled waters.

On Tuesday August 16, we're back for the attack, at 3:30 to about 7:00.

I'm already proud of you scouts, make me even prouder by joining me, on the school, in our Class A uniforms.

Remember how much fun we had selling cotton candy and riding in the 4th of July Parade?

Well we're putting the band back together, and our next gig is Coyote Creek Elementary School.  Time to rock and roll!

What kind of day will it be?  A GREAT DAY FOR PACK 1776 SCOUTING!!!!

See you soon,

Cubmaster John