September 9: Patriot Day flag ceremony
Date: September 9, 2022 (Friday)
Time: 8:00 am - 9:00 am PDT (TBC)
Location: Coyote Creek School - Sundial Courtyard
Uniform: Class A
Bring: regular clothes to change into afterward
Pack 1776, along with the Girl Scouts of Coyote Creek Elementary, will participate in the opening flag ceremony for Coyote Creek's 9/11 Memorial to be held at 8:35 am on Friday, September 9th.
Scouts who want to participate must arrive at the Sundial area behind the office at 8:00 am in full Class A uniform.
After the flag ceremony, Scouts may take the opportunity to speak to their class about Cub Scouting, after first obtaining permission from their teacher.
Scouts who participate receive a patch!

September 11: Pack registration closes
If you haven't already, register your scouts and invite friends to register with the pack by September 11th. Scouts receive a Recruiter patch when their friends newly join the pack. And the District will award Pinewood Derby cars for every Scout to the pack with the highest growth within the district!
Let's go, Pack 1776!
[ Register ]
September 8: Pack parents meeting
Date/Time: Thursday, September 8, 2022, at 7-7:30pm
Location: Coyote Creek Elementary School MPR + Zoom
Who: Parents only
Our annual pack parents-only meeting will be held in the Coyote Creek Elementary School MPR, as well as on Zoom. Join to meet your Den and pack leaders, ask questions, and reconnect with your fellow Scout parents. Look out for email with Zoom details.
August 24: August pack meeting
Date/Time: Wedneday, August 24, 2022, at 6:30-8pm
Location: Coyote Creek Elementary School MPR
Attire: Class A uniform
Bring: Refillable water bottle
At the pack's first monthly pack meeting, you'll get a preview of the scouting year ahead, meet new Den Chiefs, meet fellow Scouts and parents, as well as have your Scout's photo taken by Pack Photographer Vijay, and learn all about how to sell premium popcorn from Assistant Cubmaster Jimmy and Popcorn Kernels Ravi and Chris. New dens will appoint their Den Leaders. Scouts and Leaders wear Class A uniform for the official photos. Those who do not have their uniforms yet will get another photo op at a later date. Plus, each den will have a fun hands-on activity while they get to know each other.
Opening flag ceremony by AOLs
Scout Law lantern ceremony by Bears
New Den Chief induction
Pack year preview
- Scout and Den Leader photos
- Scout activity: decorate a wooden patch box // Parent activity: Meet Den Leaders and fellow parents
- Popcorn university for Scouts and for parents
Assistant Cubmaster minute: Loyal
Closing flag ceremony by AOLs
August 18: Open house & new parents meeting

We welcome new and prospective Scouts and their families to come learn more about the pack and what scouting is all about, and to get their questions answered. The meeting will be on Zoom at 7-7:30pm. Invite your interested friends to join. By invitation.
[ Request invite ]
August 14: Sand Hill Trail hike
Date/Time: Sunday, August 14, 2022, at 9am
Location: Sand Hill Trail — Danville
Meeting point: Sycamore Valley Elementary School parking lot — 2200 Holbrook Dr, Danville, CA 94506
Distance / elevation / duration: 2.1 miles / 449 ft / 1 hour 5 mins
Difficulty: Easy
Hike Info: Hike info
Awards: Pack hike patch
Hiking Chairs: Kushal K., Zhen Z
Attire: Class B t-shirt, approved face covering, sturdy closed toe shoes
What to bring: Plenty of water and snacks, binoculars, camera
Getting there
From I-680, exit at Sycamore Valley Road in Danville. Follow Sycamore Valley Road for 1.5 miles, then continue on to Camino Tassajara. Turn left onto Sherburne Hills Road, then turn right to find parking.
The hike
Generally considered an easy route, it takes an average of 1 h 5 min to complete. This is a very popular area for birding, hiking, and mountain biking, so you'll likely encounter other people while exploring. The trail is open year-round and is beautiful to visit anytime. Dogs are welcome, but must be on a leash.
Scouts and participating siblings will receive a patch.

For all in-person pack or den events and activities, please adhere to the pack's COVID statement. If you are sick, are experiencing symptoms, or may have been exposed to COVID-19, please stay home and stay safe.
August 21: Rocket Day!
Come build and shoot a compressed air rocket!
LAUNCH DATE: Sunday, August 21, 2022
LAUNCH PAD: Coyote Creek School Blacktop (behind the school, to the right, past the basketball courts)
TIME: 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
UNIFORM: Class B for Scouts and Leaders, or comfortable attire for new to scouting.
Bring a refillable water bottle full of water, sunscreen, hat and if desired, folding chair.
VOLUNTEER: Parents, we need your help! [ Volunteer ]
[ RSVP ]
Sno Cones! Crafts! Fun!
Pack 1776 invites you to build your own rocket, launch it and have a blast! Learn about Cub Scouting and all the fun things we do.
You can now sign up online for Cub Scouting and invite friends to join too!
All scouts must:
1. Complete the online Pack 1776 Registration Form
2. Complete the Medical Form Parts A & B
3. Make a copy of the front & back of your scout’s medical insurance card.
4) Registration check written to Pack 1776. Write your Scout's name in the memo line.
- $280 for Tiger, Wolf, Bear or Webelos scouts (First through Fifth grades in 2022-2023). Prices are even lower if you sign up to volunteer as a leader or chairperson. We only accept Fifth graders if they have completed and earned the Webelos I rank.
- $200 per new Lion scouts (those who will be in Kindergarten in 2022-2023).
- NOTE NEW SCOUTS: There was a recent change to the BSA website that requires new scouts to pay the national fees up front. Previously the pack paid this on behalf of the new scout from the pack registration fee. Given this change, we can no longer do this. As such, pay the national fees online using your credit card and then deduct that amount from the $280 (or if a new Lion, $200) pack registration fee when preparing your check.
5) A separate $200 volunteer deposit check per family, post-dated to 4/1/2023. Write your Scout's name in the memo line. We will hold onto your check and shred it after you have completed 10 service hours.
Mail or Drop off your completed paperwork to the Scout Box inside the Coyote Creek School Office.
Family Scouting: Girls Welcome!
Our Pack is open to boys and girls. By welcoming girls into the program, even more youth will have access to the character development and values-based leadership that Scouting promises.
Lions: Kindergarten age youth; Come try it out!
We are celebrating five years of participation in the national Lion program! As a Lion, your kindergartner will make friends, laugh loud, gain confidence, discover nature, and most of all…have fun. A kindergarten-age boy or girl and his or her adult partner join and attend meetings and activities together. Recognizing how Lions are integral to the success of our program and to introduce them to the world of Cub Scouting, the Pack has discounted the normal registration fee to $200 and waived the volunteer deposit.
Click here for more information or to register.
Pack 1776's annual membership fee includes the cost to register with the Boys Scouts of America, the Council Program Fee, a one year subscription to Scout's Life magazine, a Pack 1776 Class B uniform t-shirt, award belt loops, pins and patches and expenses in events like Halloween Party, Pinewood Derby, campouts, etc.
July 10: Hoot Owl Hike

Sunday, July 10, 2022
Sycamore Grove Park
Nature Area Entrance
Livermore, CA 94550
See GPS coordinates:
by July 6, 2022
First come first served
// WHO
Pack 1776 Scouts, 5 years and above, accompanied by an adult/guardian.
No more than one parent/guardian per Scout. Up to 2 parents per family, if more than one P1776 Scout in the family participating.
One parent may arrange and agree to be responsible for 2 or more Scouts from same or different households.20 participants total.
If additional spots are available after July 6, then sign-up will open up to additional family members (parents, siblings).
Free for Pack 1776 Scouts.
Price $5 per parent (or sibling if extra spots after 7/6).
Bring check, payable to Pack 1776, to the hike.
1.5 miles
Allow about 1.5-2 hours for program and hike
Sturdy shoes like hiking boots or tennis shoes. You will be walking on dirt and gravel trails.
Layers of clothing – when the sun goes down it may get cold, even in the summer.
Drinking water in a reusable bottle that you can carry with you.
These items may not be taken on the night hike – you will need to leave these items in your car:
Cameras with flashes
Walking sticks
Cell phones
Parents, please ensure that your Scouts are quiet, engaged, and follow directions throughout the hike, for an enjoyable experience for all.
[ Sign up ]
May 21, 2020: Virtual Pack Meeting & Bingo Night!

- DATE: May 21, 2020
- TIME: 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
- LOCATION: ZOOM Video Conference
- UNIFORM: Class A
Come join us for another night of fun with Pack 1776 Virtual Pack Meeting. Following our Opening Ceremony, Cubmaster's Minute and Award session, we will jump in for some Bingo fun. Prizes will be available for the winners!
Bingo cards and the Zoom log in information will be emailed to all registered scouts. Even if you are not a registered Scout and are thinking of joining Cub Scout Pack 1776, email us a for information on how to join our Virtual Pack Meeting and to received your Bingo card! We'd love to have you join our pack!
2017 Pack Registration
Pack 1776 has officially started our registration and we invite you to sign up!
Though we meet at the Coyote Creek Elementary School MPR, scouts do not need to be a student of the school to join. We welcome all boys from kindergarten to fourth grade. Boys entering fifth grade must have completed Webelos I. We do not accept fifth graders new to scouting, but other packs may.
How to Register with Pack 1776
- Complete online Pack 1776 Registration Form
- Complete the Medical Form Parts A & B
- Make a copy of the front & back of your scout’s medical insurance card.
- Provide a scout registration fee of $125 per scout (check made out to Pack 1776).
- Provide a separate $200 parent volunteer fee per family, (check postdated to 4/1/2018, also made out to Pack 1776).
- Online BSA Youth Application Form for new scouts only.
Bring everything to the Pack meeting on August 25 at 7:00 PM in the MPR or deposit them in the Pack 1776 mailbox inside the Coyote Creek School Office (on the table by the front door).
Helpful Registration Information
Complete the online Pack Registration Form:
- We use emails for all of our Pack communication and signups. Please provide an email address that you check regularly.
- Please provide us your cell phone number so we can reach each other during outings. You can enter your other phone numbers on
- All of our scouts and uniformed leaders will receive a “dri-fit” shirt. They run smaller than a traditional cotton t-shirt; we recommend ordering one size larger.
- Let us know your interests and talents. It does not commit you to a role, just help us understand the parent skills and resources available within our pack.
- Go to volunteer job descriptions.
Medical Form Part A & B and Copy of Insurance
- BSA requires parents to complete a new waiver and medical form every year in order for scouts to participate in activities.
- Page 1, Part A requires 2 parent signaturesin the State of California.
- Page 1, Part A asks for people who can take your scout to and from events. If you list names here, no one outside the list can take your child. We suggest writing “anyone from Pack 1776”
- If your scout has a“life threatening allergy” please write it on the top of page 1 with a red sharpie.
- Please provide a front and back copy of your child’s medical insurance card.
- For immunization history, we only need the date of the last injection.
Submit a check payment of $125
- Check should be made out to Pack 1776 and can be turned in at the pack meetings or the pack mailbox inside the Coyote Creek office. (on a table by the front door)
- The fee covers 1) registration with the Boy Scouts of America, 2) subscription to Boy's Life magazine, 3) Class B shirt, and 4) general Pack meeting expenses. It does not include the costs for outings, camping or Class A uniform.
- If you’re willing to be a trained uniformed leader, we will discount your registration fee by $50;one discount per paid scout. You must complete your BSA Adult Application Form, online Youth Protection training, have all the patches properly sewn onto your uniform, and wear your uniform whenever the scouts wear theirs.
- You have 30 days or until September 30 for a full refund. After this deadline, we thank you for your tax deductible donation to support scouting.
A $200 volunteer deposit check, postdated to 4/1/2018
- Please submit a separate postdated check made out to Pack 1776, even if you are a uniformed leader. It simplifies our job when everyone follows the same rule. We will hold on to this check until the end of the scouting year.
- If you have fulfilled your eight minimum service hours and log it onto our website at will return your $200 deposit at your child’s graduation.
- We understand that some families have a hard time completing the minimum service hour. We will accept your $200 volunteer donation in exchange. It will be used to help train our Pack Leaders and support our scouting program.
BSA Youth Application Form for new scouts only.
- This form is required for all scouts new to Pack 1776, including boys transferring from another Pack.
- You can ignore the request to pay $18 online to BSA National; the Pack will pay for it using part of your $125 registration fee.
Acceptance into the Pack
- If you signed up during open registration (up to mid September), we automatically accept all boys from kindergarten to fourth grade. We only accept fifth grade boys that have completed Webelos I already.
- After the open registration period, we only accept new scouts with the Den Leader’s approval.
- Unless there's room in the current Den, new Den assignment and number is announced after the September Pack meeting.
- Den Leaders are chosen among the Den parents. Den Leaders do not need any prior scouting or leadership experience; our Pack and District will provide training and support.