Cub Scout Pack 1776

Feb 24: Blue & Gold Banquet + AOL Graduation & Bridging

Blue and Gold Banquet

Come celebrate the 113th birthday of scouting in the USA at the pack's annual Blue & Gold banquet where we will have a ceremony for AOLs who will receive their Arrow of Light awards and bridge over to Scouts BSA for their onward scouting journey. The pack will host a catered dinner and fun entertainment -- Germar the Magician -- for Pack 1776 scouts and immediate family.

[ RSVP ] by February 1 with the number of people attending and indicate number of vegetarian and non-veg meals for your party in the poll.

When: Friday, February 24, 2023, at 6-9pm
Where: Tassajara Hills Elementary School MPR
WearClass A uniform
Bring: Refillable water bottle per person

Please volunteer to help with set up and clean up.


6:00pm Doors open & Dinner served
6:30pm Ceremonies commence AOL & Bridging
8:00pm Germar the Magician 
9:00pm Clean up

See you at the party!

Pack 1776 Blue & Gold Committee

For all in-person pack or den events and activities, please follow the SRVUSD COVID guidelines. If you are sick or are experiencing symptoms, please stay home and stay safe.


Popcorn News

News from Meridian district:

Thank you to everyone who sold popcorn. Many of our Troops and Packs had very successful sales this year. Our top 5 overall were:

Pack 995--$30,100+
Pack 814--$12,100+
Pack 205--$11,700+
Pack 536--$10,700+
Pack 689--$10,400+

The top 5 biggest increases from 2010

Pack 995 $10,500+
Pack 205--$10,100+
Troop 216--$9,300+
Pack 814--$4,200+
Pack 1776--$3,600+

Way to go! Over all MERIDIAN DISTRICT did $150,000+ in total sales which is an increase of 28%! AMAZING JOB EVERYONE!!

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Webeloree Recap

2011 Webeloree, October 1 – 2

Webelos from Pack 1776 had a great weekend at historic Camp Herms in the El Cerrito hills. Everything was well organized, well staffed, and packed full of fun.

The Webelos started Saturday morning by setting up their tents in the lower field. The scouts did the majority of the set up with very minimal help from the adults. They all did a fine job.

After the opening flag ceremony and rousing songs, our Pack started the morning at the Forester Unit. Mr. Harrison, from Boy Scout Troop #24, taught the scouts about tree growth rings, the five layers of a forest, 6 forest trees, 6 forest plants, how water/minerals/sun help, and about the harm/benefits of wildfires.

Our group then moved onto the Outdoorsman Unit. Boy Scouts from Troop # 24 used a skit format to thoroughly go over every point about the Leave No Trace Frontcountry Guidelines (plan ahead, stick to trails, manage your pet, leave what you find, respect other visitors, trash your trash). The Webelos also learned about the rules of outdoor fire safety and practiced how to fuse and whip the ends of a rope. Here they used the rope they fused to make a paracord bracelet with a side release buckle. We ended this unit by making our foil dinner with chicken, potatoes, and vegetables.

Then we gathered under the beautiful redwoods and had a picnic with our bagged lunch. The scouts played and the adults relaxed.

At the signal, we moved on to the Geologist Unit, led by Geologist Michael L. and Boy Scouts from Troop # 100. This was a well prepared, hands on unit. They touched real fossils, learned the four different ways mountains are formed, examined minerals in various uses and geologic materials used in home building, and talked with geologist Michael L. about the rocks found at Camp Herm and geology mapping of the area. (Very interesting stuff!) Before leaving this unit, the scouts received a special rock as a memento.

The final station they visited on Saturday was led by biologist, Mr. Dekloe, from Troop 864. Here the Webelos earned their Naturalist pin by learning about an ecosystem, an aquadic ecosystem & wetland, flyways near our area, dangers of litter, and poisonous plants & animals. We also went on a short hike and learned about non-native plants, how some plants use nitrogen in the soil, what poison oak looks like and why we should avoid it, stinging nettle, poisonous hemlock, poppy seed disbursement, and the difference in pine cones.

After our closing flag ceremony, we ate our delicious foil dinner of chicken, vegetables, and potatoes. The evening was capped off with two different shows. We first visited the amazing AstroWizard, Mr. Rodrigues, who educated the scouts on space and science related topics using pictures, props, bubbles, telescope, and exciting explosions. And finally, a well run campfire program led by Boy Scout Troop #127 entertained the entire camp audience with fun songs and funny skits.

Next year’s Webeloree is planned at Camp Herms for October 6-7, 2012. So, mark your calendars and save the date.

The following scouts earned their Forester, Outdoorsman, Geologist, and Naturalist Pins:
Andrew K, Ben R, Dylan W, Ethan M, Hayden C, Jack P, Raymond F, Umesh N, Warren H


Kiwanis Danville 4th of July Parade WINNERS

That's right, Pack 1776, WINNERS!

Winners, not only because the judges among the parade organizers, the Kiwanis Club of Danville, gave us top honors in the Scout Unit category.

Winners, not only because our scouts and their parents braved the long ride and walk, intense heat and unrelenting sun.

Winners, not only because our scouts offered their holiday weekend to wash the Huey, arrive early and support the local Vietnam Veteran's organization.

Winners, because on the day of our country's birthday, engaging the crowd with our cheers "U-S-A" and "Cub -Scouts" and "seventeen-SEVENTY SIX" we made the positive impression on our community that I hope our boys will continue to make into their adult years. To serve without seeking reward, to work without whiiiiiiiining, to contribute to our society without groping for recognition.

Did I mention we didn't even have our pack banner? No kidding, we entertained the audience with our pack yells, our enthusiasm, and our charming personalities.

From Den Leader Harry Beck, reaching out to awe-inspired watchers, as he rode left-side, spreading the word about the history of the Huey.

Or from Den Leader Ammy Pluth and Stella Lei, riding right side, leading the scouts in cheers.

Or from Den Leaders Alan Lei and Ada Ip, leading the ground forces who ran along the side of the helicopter, namely the tireless families and parents, like mobile infantry.

And the boys? A great bunch of troopers of whom I am proud. They made it known who we are...seventeen SEVENTY SIX!

Many thanks again to Earle, our heroic host who made this great ride a reality. To Evelyn Chin, the event organizer. To the parents of our boys for their limitless support.

And thanks to the boys who rode the Huey and marched in a very special parade. Not surprising, the theme of the parade this year was "Recognizing Our Future Leaders." Meet our future leaders, the Winners of Pack 1776.

Here's our list of Participating Scouts:

Jack G
Ethan M
Andrew K
Emmett L
Aidan L
Hayden C
Trevor C
Garrett C
Alexander B
Brandon B
Raj P
Jack P
David X
James S
Brennan C

Cubmaster John


Pack 1776 in the News

Check it out!



Pack 1776,

As was announced at our last Pack Meeting of the year, John Pluth was selected and has accepted the position of Cubmaster for next year! John has done an amazing job as Den Leader as well as Emcee for so many Pack events. We are lucky to have him and I know next year will be fantastic!

I would like to also take this opportunity to congratulate John on a tremendous job with the Pack Cotton Candy Booth at this year's Art and Wind Festival. Our Pack grossed over $1700 on Sunday and over $1800 on Monday. This almost doubled our revenues for the same event last year and these funds go a long way to supporting the activities we have for our Scouts all year long. I would also like to thank the following people for their sugary efforts with the Cotton Candy Booth:

Ammy P
Jack P (whose almost 20 combined hours came perilously close to child labor law violations)
Ethan M
Zoe M
Chung M
Ada I
Evan Y
Ian Y
Yuji Y
Kari Y
Hayden C
Joe C
Rennie W
Morgan J
Steve J
Dylan W
Gene W
Stella L
Alan L
Emmett L
Aidan L
Cubmaster Emeritus Macey
Alex E
Gurveer S
Harpreet K
Christie M
Vikram M
Scott S
Austin S
Harry B
Brandon B
Alexander B
Don B
Andre B
Lisa C
Brennan C
Michael C
Yan Z
David X
Susan K
Andrew K
Jeff K
Joshua K

And anyone else that I forgot to list.

Again, congratulations to our new Cubmaster John and thank you Pack 1776 for a remarkable year, it was a pleasure.

Yours in Scouting,
Cubmaster Emeritus Macey


Coyote Creek Lost and Found

Pack 1776,

The sorting of the Lost & Found items yesterday was a success! Six scouts showed up to help out:

  • Alexander B
  • Brandon B
  • Gavin R
  • Jacob L
  • Marc R
  • Nolan R

The other two leaders besides myself that helped were

  • Harry Beck
  • Marco Rico



Recap of the Celebration of Scouting at Oakland

Pack 1776,

We would like to acknowledge the following scouts:

Jack P – Bear (received the Parvuli Dei Emblem -“Children of God”)
Adam G – Tiger

for their participation at the special prayer service at the Cathedral of Christ the Light on February 12, honoring all the scouts and their adult leaders in Scouting. Pictures of the event is available on SmugMug.

If your scout is interested in earning the religious award or emblems of faith, please inform your den leaders.  More information of the BSA Religious Emblems Program can be found on the BSA website.  Remember, “a Scout is Reverent…”

John & Ammy Pluth


Food Bank Event Wrapup

Did you spend a part of your MLK weekend as a volunteer?  The following scouts and family from Pack 1776 did!

Adam G
Aidan L
Brennan C
Chloe G
Christopher M
Emmett L
Hayden C
Jack P
Nicholas M
Tegan C

On Sunday January 16th, at San Francisco Food Bank, we bagged, weighed, sealed, labeled, and boxed bulk pasta into single pound packages that will be distributed to the needy.  Over the course of 3 chatty hours, we bagged over 1000 pounds of pasta!  Every scout received a good turn patch and deserves a round of applause for the great work done.  Check out the pictures on SmugMug, you won't want to miss our looks in shower caps!

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Journey to Excellence

“Scouting’s Journey to Excellence” is the BSA’s new performance recognition program designed to encourage and reward success and measure the performance of units, districts, and councils. It is replacing the Centennial Quality Awards Program as a means of encouraging excellence in providing a quality program at all levels of the BSA.  Information, forms, and recorded webinars can be found on BSA's website.

In order to accommodate volunteers and professional staff who were not able to attend one of the Journey to Excellence webinars in October or November, the Boy Scouts of America has expanded the schedule into the following dates and times:

  • Wednesday, January 26 at 5 p.m.
  • Wednesday, February 2 at 8 a.m.

Register for the webinar here.