Cub Scout Pack 1776

Pack Halloween Party

Date/Time: Friday, October 28, 6-8pm (setup begins at 4:30pm)
Location: MPR
Cost: Free admission.  Nominal fee for concessions.
Attire: Costumes!!
Signup: Just show up and have fun!

Hi all!

OK! Just one week until the pack Halloween party. Below are the booths so far.

Macey Zavala:  Photo booth
Den 2: Eyeball race
Den 3: ... pending ...
Den 4: Putting booth
Den 5: ...pending ...
Den 6: Cake Walk
Den 7: Jack-O-Lantern Candy Toss
Den 8: Witch Hat Ring Toss
Den 9: Pumpkin Bowling
Den 10: Feelies booth
Den 11: Fishing game or bean bag

The party is from 6 to 8. We have access to the MPR starting at 4:30. Please be set up and ready to go by 6:00. Remember to sign up to help man your booth so that everyone can enjoy the party. 1/2 hour increments are nice. Please remember to supply what you need for your booth/activity including decorations! The pack will provide you with some candy to hand out to participants and some play money for the winners of the activities to go and exchange for prizes.

Concessions will be available for a very nominal fee... We're just going to have pizza and water available. That night it's all about the candy and prizes!

Don't forget to DRESS UP!! It is a HALLOWEEN party! The kids have even MORE fun when they see that we are getting involved!

If you have any questions please let me know!

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Fall Camping at Historic Camp Herms

Date/Time: Friday, November 11, 2011 3:00pm - Sunday, November 13, 2011 12:00pm
Location: Camp Herms, 1100 James Pl, El Cerrito, CA 94530 (directions) (Camp Herms map)
Cost: $15/person/night, payable to Pack 1776 by October 24th.  See evite for payment detail.
Attire: Class B
RSVP: Evite

Pack 1776 Families,

Come join us at the Boy Scouts of America own historic Camp Herms for some Fall camping!!

This camp serves as a year-round camp and is situated atop the El Cerrito Hills and can be used as the hub of local historical site visits to San Francisco and the surrounding area. Historic Camp Herms was originally named Camp Berkeley and opened for use in 1930. The camp was renamed Camp William B. Herms in 1939. Hiking trails, including the Fages Historic Trail, are nearby.

Chemical toilets are near the campsite and flush toilets and showers are a short walk away. We have reserved the Redwood Grove for camping and the Quarry area for meals, campfires and activities.

As always, the cost is minimal - $15/person/night which covers the site, food, and all activities.
If you decide to stay only one night, please let us know which night you are staying.

**As a special incentive, all scouts who sign up will receive their very own mess kit to use during the trip and to keep as their own **

We also highly encourage all other family members to bring their own reusable dining sets for meal times to reduce our trash and our Pack footprint.

Payment MUST be received BY October 24th to secure your spots! This is to allow for proper planning and selection of helpers. No excuses please. A standard policy of No Refunds applies.

Please send checks payable to PACK 1776 to Scott S.

Please feel free to contact us with questions via email.

Scott S. & Scott E.
Camping Chairs

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Outdoor Pack Meeting – Saturday Oct 15

Date/Time: Saturday, October 15, 2-6pm
Location: Lake Chabot Regional Park, Elderberry picnic area (lake chabot map) (directions)
Cost: $5 parking, or park outside the park for free
Attire: Class A
Bring: Personal canteen or water bottle and jacket.

Hello Pack 1776 Families!

Just a quick reminder and invitation to our Outdoor Pack Meeting, Saturday Oct 15, from 2:00 to 6:00 at Lake Chabot Regional Park in Castro Valley. We are at the Elderberry picnic area (entrance to the picnic area is towards the end of the parking lot). See detail map here.

Like our indoor MPR pack meetings, all cubs and leaders should wear their snappy Class A uniforms, and get ready for the an event full of fun, crafts and entertainment.

Here's what we have in store:

2:00 Activity: Hiking Stick
The boy's will build their own personal hiking stick, to keep, decorate and use on future hikes.

2:15 Pack Hike
Tiger/Wolf hike along the lake, Bear/Webelos hike in the wilds of Castro Valley.

3:45-4:00 Skit Practice with Dens
"What's my line again?" Rehearsal makes for a great performance! Everyone does a skit, even the den leaders. Get ready to sing, dance and crack up at the funny skits. Say "good-bye" to "shy"!

4:05-5:05 Pack Meeting
Awards, and a special presentation of the Bobcat Badges to our new cubs as we welcome them to Pack 1776 by Committee Chair Steve and me.

5:00 Smores
When you're outdoors, they go great with the great outdoors.

If you're a little late, don't worry. Even if you miss the hike, we'll still have a fun pack event.

Other key notes of information:

Lake Chabot Regional Park
17500 Lake Chabot Road
Elderberry Picnic Site
Castro Valley
CA, 94546

To Reach The Park
From San Ramon, I-680 South to connect on I-580 westbound, take the Strobridge Avenue exit. Turn right on Strobridge, right on Castro Valley Boulevard (take the left lane as soon as possible, and left on Lake Chabot Road. The Lake Chabot Marina is about two miles ahead on the right. (map)  From I-580 in San Leandro, exit at Fairmont Drive and go east (uphill). The marina entrance will be to the left at the bottom of the hill.

$5 parking fee but there are free parking outside the park, depending on the time of the day, there should be plenty.

Water and capri sun will be provided otherwise bring your own picnic and relax with the family.

We are encouraging people to bring personal canteen or water bottle and we'll have water station for refill.

Bring jacket just in case the weather change.

Cubmaster John


2011 Scout Orienteering Championship

Reminder: Today (9/30) is the last day to sign up for Scout-O. To sign up, email Susan Kim your scout's name, den, rank, and preferred partner if any.

Date/Time: Sunday, October 9, 10am-2pm
Location: Briones Regional Park at Martinez
Cost: $5.50 per scout
Attire: Class B t-shirt, strong trail shoes, long pants (Briones has stickers!)
Bring: A compass, a watch, a pen or pencil. Lunch and water. Sunscreen or rain gear.
Award: BAOC Orienteering patch, a progressive course patch, and more.
Deadline: This Friday, September 30th!!
Signup: Email Susan Kim with name, rank, den, course (1 or 2), and preferred partner if any
Detail: Event website

The Bay Area Orienteering Club is pleased to offer the nineteenth annual Scout-O, a cross country map and compass adventure designed to test the map reading ability, compass skills and woodsman savvy regardless of experience.

Cub Scouts of all ages are welcome.  No prior experience needed. Instruction will be offered prior to the event so that all Scouts, regardless of prior experience, will be able to take part in the actual competition.  There will be courses of four distinct levels of difficulty, so that no Scout should encounter a challenge beyond his capabilities.  Be prepared and head over to BAOC's website for sample maps and instructions.

Important information can be found in this document.  Here are the important points:

- Scout need to run in pairs with an adult trailing behind.
- First team of all the scouts attending will run at 10 am.  Start times are spaced 2 minutes apart and by course.  Start times are set by event organizer.
- Every participating scout will earn a patch.
- We need to pre-register with names and how teams will be paired up.

Sign up by this Friday and contact event coordinator Susan Kim if you have any questions.


Boo! Guess Who?

Hi All!

It's that time of year again to start thinking of our annual Halloween Party for the cub scouts! It will be held in the MPR on Friday, October 28th from 6 to 8. More details will be forthcoming but I wanted you all to be sure and have it on your calendars and pass along the information to your dens. As always, we will be having "booths" or activities put on by each den so start thinking of your game now and I'll send along some ideas soon too.

Traditionally the Webelos II are responsible for the food but we have 3 dens of Web II. Do either of you want to volunteer for the food or would you like for me to draw straws? 🙂

Also, do any of you have a strobe light that we can use that night? I hate to buy one just for one night of spooky fun.

Lisa Cheney
Pack 1776 Halloween Party Coordinator

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Fall Camping – SAVE THE DATES!

Date: Friday, November 11, 2011 3:00pm - Sunday, November 13, 2011 12:00pm

Location: Camp Herms

SAVE THE DATES!! Camp Herms is located in El Cerrito, California. This camp serves as a year-round camp with a Cub Scout Day Camp during the summer. It is situated atop the El Cerrito Hills and can be used as the hub of local historical site visits to San Francisco and the surrounding area. Historic Camp Herms was originally named Camp Berkeley and opened for use in 1930. The camp was renamed Camp William B. Herms in 1939. Chemical toilets are near the campsite and flush toilets and showers are a short walk away. Hiking trails, including the Fages Historic Trail, are nearby.

Details will follow in an Evite and will be posted here. Stay tuned.


Scott & Scott
Hiking Chairs

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Hoot Owl Night Hike

Update 09/06: Thank you again for the overwhelming response.  We have more signed up than we can accommodate at this time.  The waiting list is now closed.  We will look into running this hike again in the near future.

Update 09/05: Thank you for the quick response.  The hike is now full. New sign ups will be placed on the waiting list.

Date/Time: Friday, September 23rd, 6:45pm - 8:45pm
Location: Sycamore Grove Park in Livermore
Cost: $10 per person.  Pay by September 9th to hold your spots.
Attire: Class B uniform
Award: Participating scout will receive a Hoot Owl patch, and a Trail Trekkers patch if he doesn't have one already.
Meeting Location: Nature Area Entrance (see directions below)
Note: Scout only, no siblings. One parent per family.
Must read: Hoot Owl Guidelines, DirectionsHike Detail

Pack 1776,

Welcome to the first hike of the new scout year. This is a special hike for a few reasons. It is a night hike. It is a ranger led hike. It is a fee based hike ($10 per person). It is limited to 20 people only (limit is set by hoot owl program).

This hike is limited to scouts only - No siblings are allowed. The parent must accompany their scout(s).

Please reply quickly to the email invitation as seats are limited.  (No other evite will be sent.)

The hike lasts one and a half to two hours and begins with a ranger-led introduction to nocturnal animals and adaptations of nighttime critters, followed by an easy hike of one to one and a half miles.

Everyone is expected to use their night vision during the program, so please leave your flashlights at home.

Bernard Kiriakos
Hiking Chair

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Tenth Anniversary 9-11 Remembrance Ceremony

Date: Sunday, September 11, 2011
Time: 5:00PM - 6:40PM
Location: All Wars Memorial, Oak Hill Park, 3005 Stone Valley Road, Danville (map)
Cost: Free, with hot dog and ice-cream after the ceremony.
Attire: Class A Uniform
Award: Scout Surge Patch depicted on the right
Parking: Monte Vista High School lots next to the park
Must read: Event flyer, Scout information and timeline

Hello Pack 1776

Next Sunday, the Exchange Club of San Ramon Valley is holding their annual 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony, and this year marks the 10th anniversary. Every year, the Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts are invited to participate. Last year, our Pack 1776 boys participated in the Flag Ceremony, for a memorable and moving experience.  I will be there and would be honored if any of the Cubs and Leaders would participate in the ceremony.

We will send out an official Evite shortly. Please respond as soon as you can, so that I may give them an approximate head count of 1776 Cubs. Class A uniforms are required.  More details here.

Thank you,
Cubmaster John

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Popcorn Training

Pack 1776,

The popcorn season has arrived!  Our sales goal for this year is $5000.  Not only every scout participating in this annual fundraising event receives a patch, more prizes and rewards are available for top selling den and scouts.  There are many ways to participate.  Besides the upcoming show-and-sell at Safeway and Lucky, scouts can sell door-to-door and online. Learn more about this at our first Pack Meeting on Wednesday, September 9th.

Meanwhile, get a head start and check out the training videos for tips on selling popcorn. Contact our Popcorn Kernal Yuji Yamada if you have questions.

Stella Lei


Pack 1776 Programs

It was nice seeing many of you at school registration last week.  If you have not picked up the new Pack calendar and hiking program, they are available here.

Pack 1776 Calendar 2011-2012
Pack 1776 Hiking Program 2011-2013


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