Cub Scout Pack 1776

October 13: Webelos to Scout Transition Meeting

Arrow of Light (AOL — 5th grade) families:

See invitation from James Reeve, Meridian District Membership Chair, below.

It’s that time of year! Webelos Arrow of Light families are starting to look for Troops in the area to bridge in February or March 2023. The Meridian District is holding their annual Webelos to Scout transition meeting for adults as follows:

Webelos to Scout Transition Meeting
October 13, 2022
7-8:30 pm
Gale Ranch Middle School – Multi-Purpose Room
6400 Main Branch Rd, San Ramon

This meeting is for AOL families, adults-only, in person. You will have the opportunity to engage with the various Troops in our District.


November 5-6: Outdoor pack meeting & fall campout

Date/Time: Saturday November 5, 2022 at 2pm to Sunday, November 6, 2022 at 10am
Location: Mt. Diablo State Park // Barbecue Terrace group campground (directions) + Wildcat campground
Parking: Coordinates to Parking road entrance - 37.86154 N, 121.93375 W
Maps: Campground map | Mount Diablo park map 
Fees: $10 per vehicle paid upon park entry
Attire: Class A for flags and Bobcat ceremony, Class B otherwise

Camping Chair: Neeraj C.
Camping Committee: Joe G., Michael P., Matt P.

There is a limit on the number of overnight campers. Register ASAP.

[ RSVP | Volunteer ]

Join us for a glorious afternoon and evening of scout skills and outdoor fun!  Come for the activities, a pack-provided dinner and our evening campfire program. Staying overnight is optional.

We have an action-packed agenda. This meeting is especially important for Tigers and new scouts and their parents who will participate in our Bobcat Ceremony – let’s celebrate with them!  

Webelos (4th graders) will prepare their own dinner and desserts, as well as Dutch oven desserts for the pack!

What to bring

  • Completed parking pass, placed visibly on your car dash before you leave your parked car.
  • Sun protection
  • Per person:
    • 1 gallon drinking water for each member of your party — There is NO WATER on Mount Diablo
    • Refillable water bottle
    • Mess kit, including utensils and cup
    • Flashlight
    • Folding chair
    • Cap
    • Sturdy closed-toe shoes for hiking
    • Rain windbreaker jacket
    • Warm clothes as it will get cold after dark
  • For those staying overnight:
    • Tent with rainfly
    • Mallet
    • Sleeping bags
    • Sleeping pads
    • Please refer to the Mt. Diablo Checklist for a list of items to bring  
  • Leaders, please each bring an additional 10 gallon water for pack use

Tentative schedule

1:00 to 1:45 - Arrival for those staying overnight and set up camp
1:45 to 2:00 - Arrival for those not staying overnight
2:00 to 2:15 - Flag ceremony — led by Bears
2:15 to 2:30 - Group photo / Distribute Class B t-shirts
2:30 to 3:15 - Bobcat Ceremony for 43 Tigers and new Wolf, Bear and Webelos scouts, by den
3:30 to 5:00 - Nearby hike (Webelos will skip hike) / 3:30pm BBQ prep / Dutch oven preparation
          (4pm Cook Dutch oven desserts)
(4:45 s’mores prep)
5:00 to 5:45 - Dinner + clean-up
(Add on warm clothing layers ahead of the evening program)
5:45 to 5:50 - Closing flag ceremony — led by Bears
5:50 to 6:30 - S’mores for Scouts / Dutch oven dessert for adults
(6:15 Sunset)
5:50 to 6:30 - Campfire program skits, songs, stories
6:45 pm - START to HEAD OUT
6:45 to 6:55 - Head out for those not camping overnight
7:00 to 8:30 - Evening activities TBD
(Potentially games, stories, evening hike, stargazing)
8:30 to 9:00 - Get ready for bed
9:00 Lights out


7:15 to 7:45   - Prepare breakfast
7:45 to 8:30  - Free breakfast provided by the Pack (coffee, hot chocolate, juice, muffins)
8:30 to 9:15  - Break camp
9:15 to 10:00 - Camp sweep and leave

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October 19: Camping 101

Date:  Wednesday, October 19, 2022
Time:  6:30 – 8pm
Location:  Coyote Creek Elementary School MPR

Are you prepared for the pack campout on November 5-6? Do you know what to bring or what to expect? Join us for a Camping 101 event to have all of your questions answered and learn what to expect for this year's fall campout at Mt. Diablo. This will not be a pack meeting; scouts can come in Class B or casual clothes.

Stations offered:

  • What to bring for the day, if not staying overnight [Ms. Wendy]
  • What do bring for overnight camp [Mr. Neeraj, Mr. Michael]
  • Mount Diablo campsites [Mr. Joe, Mr. Neeraj]
  • Leave No Trace [Ms. Caroline]
  • Tent basics [Ms. Cassie]
  • Program [Mr. Kevin]

October 16: Coyote Hills Trail Trekkers hike

Date/Time: Sunday, October 16, 2022, at 9:30am
Location: Coyote Hills Regional Park — 8000 Patterson Ranch Road​​​​​​​, Fremont, CA 94555
Meeting Point: Outside Visitor Center
Fee: $5 per vehicle, $2 per dog
Distance / duration: 4 miles / 3 hours
Difficulty: Easy to moderate — a few short but steep hills
Recommended for: Tigers through Webelos
Hike Info: Hike info / Trail map below
Park mapmap
Awards: Trail Trekkers Cub Scout Patch
Contact: Hiking Chair Zhen Zhou (925-997-4889)

[ RSVP ]


  • Class B and dress in layers
  • Sturdy closed toe shoes

What to bring:

  • Sunscreen, cap
  • Plenty of water and snacks


Coyote Hills is at the west end of Patterson Ranch Road/ Commerce Drive in Fremont. From I- 880, take Highway 84 west, exit at Paseo Padre Parkway and drive north. Turn left on Patterson Ranch Road (parking fee).

The hike

This hike will introduce the pack to the marsh and hills of Coyote Hills Regional Park and give you a chance to see a great Visitor Center. It is about 4 miles long, with a few short but steep hills.

The trail

First Head into the marsh by crossing the park road at the south end of the Visitor Center parking lot. The kids will enjoy walking on the boardwalk. Stop at the wildlife viewing platforms to observe water fowl and possibly muskrats.

When the boardwalk ends, keep heading straight, gradually curving to the left, until you reach the D.U.S.T. Trail. Turn left on this trail, then right on Lizard Rock Trail. You will then join Bayview Trail, a paved bicycling trail which encircles the hills. Turn left on the Bayview Trail. When you reach Nike Trail, follow it up to a saddle. Once on the saddle, head south on the Hill Trail. After a short steep climb, you'll reach Red Hill Top, a hill formed of red chert. Watch out for poison oak among the rocks.

On a clear day, the views are great. You'll want to point out some of the sights - the salt evaporation ponds to the west, the marsh and boardwalk below you to the east (can you see where you were?), and some of the high peaks in the Bay Area. Some of these peaks are "Rim Rover" peaks which the boys can climb when they become Boy Scouts - Mission Peak just a little southeast, Mt. Tamalpais to the northwest (beyond San Francisco), and Mt. Diablo to the northeast.

Continue south, stopping at Glider Hill to watch people flying model gliders. Go slowly down the steep hill to Soaproot Trail and go left, passing above Dairy Glen, the group campsite. Turn left again, back to the Visitor Center (you'll be approaching the Visitor Center from behind.)

Alternate Routes
Longer or shorter loops can easily be made - consult the park map. The minimum requirement for this patch is to hike to Red Hill Top.

More details...

Visitor Center post-hike

Consider visiting the Visitor Center after the hike. Coyote Hills Visitor Center contains educational displays and exhibits as well as the Possum's Pocket Nature Store. The exhibits portray the Ohlone way of life and include a tule reed boat constructed by park staff and volunteers using Native American methods. Other exhibits cover the park's natural history and wildlife. Open 10am - 4pm on Sundays.

For all in-person pack or den events and activities, please adhere to the pack's COVID statement. If you are sick, are experiencing symptoms, or may have been exposed to COVID-19, please stay home and stay safe.

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October 20: New leader onboarding

New Den Leaders, Pack Committee members (Membership Chair, Treasurer, Advancement Chair, Assistant Pack Committee Chair), Chartered Org Rep, save the date!

You are welcome to an optional onboarding session to learn about the pack, Scoutbook, resources, and get your scouting questions answered. Other leaders and interested parents are welcome to sit in as well.

By invitation.


October 28: Halloween party

All Cub Scouts and their families are invited to our annual Halloween bash on October 28th, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm in the Coyote Creek MPR and courtyard!

Attire: Costumes
Cost: Free to participate
Food: FREE Pizza, popcorn, and shaved ice will be provided
Bring: Refillable water bottle AND trick-or-treat bag
No bottled water will be provided at this event

[ RSVP | Volunteer ]

Play carnival games to win prizes. Come dressed up in your Halloween best and take your picture at the photo booth. You may even win one of our 27 best costume medals at the parade. You do not need to be a scout to participate in the parade.

FREE pizza thanks to outstanding popcorn sale by the pack!

The Costume Contest categories are:

  • Best Costume
  • Most Creative
  • Most Scary Costume

Special thanks to our local businesses who sponsored our Halloween party with gift card prizes:

Happy Lemon
Happy Lemon
(by Safeway Danville — corner of
Crow Canyon & Camino Tassajara)
Yersen Gelato
(by McDonald's Danville — corner of
Crow Canyon & Camino Tassajara)
Crumbl Cookies
(multiple locations)

October 29-20: Webeloree

Calling all Webelos (4th grade) and Arrow of Light (5th grade) scouts! 

This weekend is filled with fun events at the great Camp Herms. Activity pins and scout skills galore. Come interact with some Scouts BSA Troops as well, to get a feel for the adventure at a Troop level. This is intended for a 1:1 Cub to Guardian ratio weekend. If one guardian must take two Cub Scouts, this guardian will be responsible for each participant while they are at camp. This event is for Webelos and Arrow of Light only as the program is specific to their age appropriate program. A packing list, schedule, and list of pins offered for the weekend will be emailed ten days before the event.

Camp schedule

Adventure pins being offered are:

On staff from Pack 1776 will be:

  • Medic: Dr. Sankari
  • Rangemasters: Mr. Kevin R., Ms. Caroline

Dinner will be provided as a group activity. Sunday breakfast will be offered.

Bring for each participant, scout and adult:

  • BSA pre-event medical screening checklist + ensure temperature below 100.4 °F just prior to departure for camp.
  • Copy of completed AB forms
  • Shooting Sports form (2 copies only, check "BB Devices" only)
  • Bagged lunch for Saturday (lunch provided for staff)
  • Mess kit (plate, spoon, fork, cup), napkins, wet wipes
  • Drinking water in reusable water bottle
  • Sleeping bag
  • Sleeping pad
  • Clothes appropriate for the weather
  • Flash light
  • Toiletries
  • Folding chair

Shared items:

  • Tent, including tarp/footprint + rainfly
  • Mallet for tent stakes
  • Wagon (to carry your stuff from your car to the campsite)

For this camp, parent/legal guardian and child can share a tent.


  • Class A uniform
  • Class B t-shirt
  • Vest / waterproof jacket — there's usually condensation at Camp Herms + it will be windy this weekend
  • Hiking / closed toe shoes

Registration is currently closed.

More details...

Filed under: AOL, Campout, GGAC, Rank, Webelos No Comments

September 21: Monthly pack meeting

In honor of Emergency Preparedness Month, this month's pack meeting will focus on a few skills to help us be prepared for emergencies as well as thank those who assist us in emergencies.  Below are the details for the meeting.  Please note, pack meetings are not a drop-off event; at least one parent should join their scout for the meeting.  Thank you for taking the time to attend.

DATE: September 21, Wednesday
TIME:  6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
LOCATION:  Coyote Creek Elementary School MPR


  • Make your own first aid kit to take home
  • Learn to tie a "first aid knot" (square knot)
  • Operation Gratitude, give your thanks to our first responders with a thank you letter
  • Second chance portrait session for scouts and uniformed scout leaders

September 25: Las Trampas Highlander hike

Date/Time: Sunday, September 25, 2022, at 9:30am
Location: Las Trampas — San Ramon
Meeting pointLas Trampas public parking — at the end of Bollinger Canyon Rd in San Ramon
Distance / elevation / duration: 1.5 - 2.7 miles / 575 ft
Difficulty: Easy to moderate
Hike info / map: Hike info  |  hike map
Awards: Highlander programLas Trampas rocker patch
Hiking Chairs: Kushal K., Zhen Z.
Attire: Class B or regular t-shirt, approved face covering, cap, sturdy closed toe shoes
What to bring: Plenty of water and snacks, sunscreen, binoculars, camera

[ RSVP ]

Getting there
Take Bollinger Canyon north, past Crow Canyon. Continue about 4.5 miles to the trailhead at the end of the road. If you've been to Little Hills Ranch, keep going past its parking lot. Turn left on Rocky Ridge Road. Parking lot is at the end on the left. See map.

The hike
Las Trampas (Spanish for the traps) has two distinct areas, each with its own personality. Rocky Ridge, on the west side of the valley, is known for views in all directions, unusual rocks and green rolling hills lightly forested with California bays, oaks and maples. The wildflower display on the hills just off the ridgeline is an east bay favorite. The Las Trampas Ridge, to the east, is quite different, featuring a plant community dominated by chamise with other chaparral plants such as manzanitas and coyote brush.

The trail
Start on Bollinger loop trail for about 0.8 miles then turn right on Bollinger Canyon Trail and stay right and on it for about 0.3 miles. Then turn right on Las Trampas Ridge Trail and keep going for about 0.8 miles, and finally right on Chamise Trail towards the staging area. This final stretch is about 0.5 miles.

Total distance is approx 2.7 miles with about 575 ft gain in elevation. If it gets too hot, we'll cut short the hike to about 1.5 miles.

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September 9: Patriot Day flag ceremony

Date: September 9, 2022 (Friday)
Time: 8:00 am - 9:00 am PDT (TBC)
Location: Coyote Creek School - Sundial Courtyard
Uniform: Class A
Bring: regular clothes to change into afterward

Pack 1776, along with the Girl Scouts of Coyote Creek Elementary, will participate in the opening flag ceremony for Coyote Creek's 9/11 Memorial to be held at 8:35 am on Friday, September 9th.

Scouts who want to participate must arrive at the Sundial area behind the office at 8:00 am in full Class A uniform.

After the flag ceremony, Scouts may take the opportunity to speak to their class about Cub Scouting, after first obtaining permission from their teacher.

Scouts who participate receive a patch!

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